What's New in 2003 on the GNU Project Web Site

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Coming Events | Press Information and Releases

November 2003

24 November 2003
Released Moglen's new statement, SCO: Without Fear and Without Research regarding the SCO situation.

19 November 2003
FSF Encourages Californians to Support Software Freedom with Microsoft Vouchers.

18 November
Added the article Why schools should use exclusively free software by Richard Stallman.

15 November
Add a link on the homepage to ask Voters across Europe to contact their national MPs to prevent the Parliament vote being set aside at a meeting of the Competitiveness Council of Ministers before 27th November.

3 November 2003
Posted an amusing song What a Wonderful Code.

October 2003

30th October 2003
Added a link to Lakhani and Wolf's paper on the motivation of free software developers (PDF 377KB) from the Third Party Ideas section of the Philosophy page.

September 2003

21 September 2003
Added a link to the article Groklaw sends a Dear Darl letter from the Third Party Ideas section of the Philosophy page.

19 September 2003
Posted Free Software Hack.
Posted You know you're a programmer when....

15 September 2003
Call for nominations for the 2003 FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software is posted.

7 September 2003
RMS received this email (on an MIT mailing list) requesting a Dimensional Warp Generator.

3 September 2003
Received this email requesting inflatable sheep from the webmasters email queue.

August 2003

18 August 2003
Added a SCO Scuttles Sense, Claiming GPL Invalidity by Eben Moglen to FSF's SCO Response Page.

15 August 2003
Added a few more smileys contributed from Benjamin Vander Jagt, which are linked to his page from the html version. These use extended ascii.

13 August 2003
Added another humorous email that was received by RMS from darkprofits.net.

7 August 2003
Added a humorous email that was received by RMS.

July 2003

29 July 2003
Added the story of the writing of the Free Software Song.

21 July 2003
Added a transcript of a speech Stallman gave at WSIS earlier this month.

13 July 2003
Added a transcript of a speech, My Lisp Experiences and the Development of GNU Emacs, given by Richard Stallman at the International Lisp Conference on 28 Oct 2002.

June 2003

29 June 2003
Added a review of Boldrin and Levine's paper "The case against intellectual property," by Richard M. Stallman, to our philosophy page.

27 June 2003
Added statement from FSF about the SCO v. IBM lawsuit.

25 June 2003
Added information about the expiration of the Unisys GIF patent.

10 June 2003
Updated GPL FAQ page with a few new questions under Distribution of programs released under the GPL section.

May 2003

27 May 2003
Updated FSF's position on the W3C Patent Policy.

26 May 2003
Added LaTeX version of the GNU GPL.

April 2003

30 April 2003
Added 5 new items to the GNU Gear main page. Two new T-shirt designs for summer 2003 and three limited edition art prints are now available for sale.

29 April 2003
Add a link on the homepage to ask European programmers to do a little work to convince the European Parliament to reject software patents.

25 April 2003
Added an audio recording of a speech, Software Freedom and the GNU Generation, given by Bradley M. Kuhn 22 April 2003.

March 2003

27 March 2003
FSF Announces Corporate Patronage Program.

February 2003

19 Febuary 2003
Updated the 2002 Thank GNUs.

8 Febuary 2003
Professor Lawrence Lessig Awarded the Free Software Foundation Award for the Advancement of Free Software.

January 2003

19 January 2003
A new page on getting GNU Press books into your local bookstores has been added.

What was New in Prior Years

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Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

Updated: $Date: 2005/05/05 19:37:19 $ $Author: novalis $