Guidelines for Web Page Creation at

 [image of the typing GNU]

This is a general guide for everyone who wishes to write a web page for the GNU project web server, There are several other guides that are important, one of the most important ones is the FSF HTML Style Sheet in A list of the others are in

No pages on the GNU project web server should ever make any references to non-free software or non-free documentation. This is VERY important.

The boilerplate that is used for all our pages in is A good start when writing a web page is to use that boilerplate and follow the instructions in it. Please delete the unneeded comments as you go. It makes the HTML source file easier for later maintainers to work with. You should also check for specialized versions of boilerplate.html in the current directory, and those above it.

When writing a page for a certain program, we want to have some basic information on such a page:

The description should be long enough so that people can grasp the whole program, but not so long that they get bored by reading it. If a package consists of several smaller programs, it is best to write a general description of what type of programs that belong in the package and then write shorter descriptions for each program.

The GNU Project would like to host all web pages about a program, so if the main pages is currently on some other server, please consider moving them to the GNU project web server instead.

When you maintain a set of web pages, perhaps for a special program, on, you should make sure that your name and email is listed in ~www/GNU.web-folk.html on gnudist. That way the webmasters will know who to contact if they need to make any changes to the web pages you maintain. Ask to add you, if you can't do it yourself. (Note that we don't publish ~www/GNU.web-folk.html on this web site because some volunteers might not want their email address exposed to spammers.)

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Please send comments on these web pages to, send other questions to

Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

Updated: $Date: 2001/12/20 10:18:10 $ $Author: mohit $