public class UriBuilder
Provides a mutable version of the Uri class.
The Uri and UriBuilder classes both represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Instances of the Uri type are immutable: once the underlying URI is specified, neither it nor its components, or constituent parts, can be changed. The UriBuilder type permits modifications to the components of the URI it represents. The System.UriBuilder.Uri property provides the current contents of a UriBuilder as a Uri instance.[Note: For more information on URI, see IETF RFC 2396.]
System Namespace
UriBuilder Constructors
UriBuilder() Constructor
UriBuilder(System.String) Constructor
UriBuilder(System.Uri) Constructor
UriBuilder(System.String, System.String) Constructor
UriBuilder(System.String, System.String, int) Constructor
UriBuilder(System.String, System.String, int, System.String) Constructor
UriBuilder(System.String, System.String, int, System.String, System.String) Constructor
UriBuilder Methods
UriBuilder.Equals Method
UriBuilder.GetHashCode Method
UriBuilder.ToString Method
UriBuilder Properties
UriBuilder.Fragment Property
UriBuilder.Host Property
UriBuilder.Password Property
UriBuilder.Path Property
UriBuilder.Port Property
UriBuilder.Query Property
UriBuilder.Scheme Property
UriBuilder.Uri Property
UriBuilder.UserName Property
public UriBuilder();
Constructs and initializes a new instance of the UriBuilder class.
This constructor creates a new instance of the UriBuilder class with its properties initialized as follows:
Property Initial value Fragment System.String.Empty Host "loopback" Password System.String.Empty Path "/" Port 80 Query System.String.Empty Scheme System.Uri.UriSchemeHttp UserName System.String.Empty
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public UriBuilder(string uri);
Constructs and initializes a new instance of the UriBuilder class using the specified URI.
- uri
- A String containing a URI.
Exception Type Condition ArgumentNullException uri is null
UriFormatException uri is a zero length string or contains only spaces. -or-
The parsing routine detected a scheme in an invalid form.
The parser detected more than two consecutive slashes in a URI that does not use the "file" scheme.
uri is in an invalid form and cannot be parsed.
This constructor checks for the presence of a scheme in uri. If no scheme is found, System.Uri.UriSchemeHttp + System.Uri.SchemeDelimiter are prepended to uri. The Uri(String) constructor is passed uri, and the components of the new Uri instance are used to initialize the properties of the UriBuilder instance being constructed.If uri.
is not equal to System.String.Empty, uri.Fragment
is copied to the System.UriBuilder.Fragment property of the current instance, otherwise uri.Query
is copied to the System.UriBuilder.Query property of the current instance.The
properties of the Uri instance are used to initialize the corresponding properties in the current instance. TheAbsolutePath
property of the Uri instance is used to initialize thePath
property of the current instance.The
property of the Uri instance is used to initialize theUserName
properties of the current instance.
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public UriBuilder(Uri uri);
Constructs and initializes a new instance of the UriBuilder class with the specified Uri instance.
- uri
- An instance of the Uri class.
Exception Type Condition NullReferenceException uri is null
The components of the specified Uri instance are used to initialize the properties of the UriBuilder instance being constructed.If uri.
is not equal to System.String.Empty, uri.Fragment
is copied to the System.UriBuilder.Fragment property of the current instance, otherwise uri.Query
is copied to the System.UriBuilder.Query property of the current instance.The
properties of the Uri instance are used to initialize the corresponding properties in the current instance. TheAbsolutePath
property of the Uri instance is used to initialize thePath
property of the current instance.The
property of the Uri instance is used to initialize theUserName
properties of the current instance.
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public UriBuilder(string schemeName, string hostName);
Constructs and initializes a new instance of the UriBuilder class with the specified scheme and host.
- schemeName
- A String containing the name of an Internet access protocol.
- hostName
- A String containing a DNS host name or IP address.
This constructor creates a new instance of the UriBuilder class with its properties initialized as follows:
Property Initial value Fragment System.String.Empty Host hostName Password System.String.Empty Path "/" Port -1 Query System.String.Empty Scheme schemeName UserName System.String.Empty
[Note: System.UriBuilder.Port is initialized to the value -1 to indicate the default port for the scheme should be used.]
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public UriBuilder(string scheme, string host, int portNumber);
Constructs and initializes a new instance of the UriBuilder class with the specified scheme, host, and port.
- scheme
- A String containing the name of an Internet access protocol.
- host
- A String containing a DNS host name or IP address.
- portNumber
- A Int32 containing an IP port number.
Exception Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException portNumber is less than zero.
This constructor creates a new instance of the UriBuilder class with its properties initialized as follows:
Property Initial value Fragment System.String.Empty Host host Password System.String.Empty Path "/" Port portNumber Query System.String.Empty Scheme scheme UserName System.String.Empty
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public UriBuilder(string scheme, string host, int port, string pathValue);
Constructs and initializes a new instance of the UriBuilder class with the specified scheme, host, port number, and path.
- scheme
- A String containing the name of an Internet access protocol.
- host
- A String containing a DNS host name or IP address.
- port
- A Int32 containing an IP port number.
- pathValue
- A String containing the path for the resource.
Exception Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException port is less than zero.
This constructor creates a new instance of the UriBuilder class with its properties initialized as follows:
Before setting the System.UriBuilder.Path property, this constructor converts any backward slashes in pathValue to forward slashes, and calls System.Uri.EscapeString(System.String)(pathValue).
Property Initial value Fragment System.String.Empty Host host Password System.String.Empty Path pathValue Port port Query System.String.Empty Scheme scheme UserName System.String.Empty
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public UriBuilder(string scheme, string host, int port, string path, string extraValue);
Constructs and initializes a new instance of the UriBuilder class with the specified scheme, host, port number, path, and query string or fragment identifier.
- scheme
- A String containing the name of an Internet access protocol.
- host
- A String containing a DNS host name or IP address.
- port
- A Int32 containing an IP port number.
- path
- A String containing the path for the resource.
- extraValue
- A String containing a query or fragment component.
Exception Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException port is less than zero. ArgumentException extraValue does not have as its first character a number sign ('#') indicating a fragment, or a question mark ('?') indicating a query.
This constructor creates a new instance of the UriBuilder class with its properties initialized as follows:
Before setting the System.UriBuilder.Path property, this constructor converts any backward slashes in path to forward slashes, and calls System.Uri.EscapeString(System.String)(path).
Property Initial value Fragment If extraValue begins with a "#", extraValue; otherwise System.String.Empty . Host host Password System.String.Empty Path path Port port Query If extraValue begins with a "?", extraValue; otherwise System.String.Empty . Scheme scheme UserName System.String.Empty
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public override bool Equals(object rparam);
Compares the current instance and the specified object for equality.
- rparam
- The object to compare with the current instance. The string representation of this argument is used to construct a Uri for comparison.
if rparam represents the same URI as the current instance. If rparam isnull
, returnsfalse
This method invokes System.Uri.Equals(System.Object)(rparam.ToString()) on the Uri instance returned by the System.UriBuilder.Uri property of the current instance.[Note: This method overrides System.Object.Equals(System.Object).]
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public override int GetHashCode();
Generates a hash code for the current instance.
A Int32 containing the hash code for this instance.
The hash code is generated without the fragment component. For example, the URIs "" and "" produce the same hash code.The algorithm used to generate the hash code is unspecified.
[Note: This method overrides System.Object.GetHashCode. ]
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public override string ToString();
Returns the escaped form of the URI represented by the current instance.
A String containing the escaped URI contained in the current UriBuilder instance.
The string returned by this method (shown here as uriString) is constructed as follows:
uriString = scheme + scheme delimiter + host.
[Note: This method overrides System.Object.ToString.]If port != -1 and host != "", then uriString = uriString + ":" + port.
If host != "" and path != "" and path != "/", then uriString = uriString + "/".
uriString = uriString + path.
If fragment != "", then uriString = uriString + fragment, else uriString = uriString + query.
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public string Fragment { get; set; }
Gets or sets the fragment component of the current instance.
A String containing the fragment component of the URI represented by the current instance.
The System.UriBuilder.Fragment property contains any text following a fragment marker ('#') in the URI, including the marker itself. When setting the System.UriBuilder.Fragment property, the property value does not include the fragment marker as it is added to the property value by the set operation. Specifyingnull
for the System.UriBuilder.Fragment property value sets the property to System.String.Empty. Ifnull
or System.String.Empty are specified in a set operation, the fragment marker is not added to the property value. The set operation does not escape the fragment value.Setting the System.UriBuilder.Fragment property to any value, including
, sets the System.UriBuilder.Query property to System.String.Empty .
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public string Host { get; set; }
Gets or sets the Domain Name System (DNS) host name or IP address of a machine that provides access to the resource identified by the current instance.
A String containing the DNS host name or IP address of the host machine.
for a set operation sets this property to System.String.Empty .
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public string Password { get; set; }
Gets or sets the password information used to access the resource represented by the current instance.
A String containing the password used to access the resource represented by the current instance.
for a set operation sets this property to System.String.Empty .
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public string Path { get; set; }
Gets or sets the path to the resource represented by the current instance.
A String containing the path to the resource represented by the current instance.
This property returns the escaped form of the path information in the current instance. Values specified for set operations are escaped, and any backslashes are converted to forward slashes.Specifying
or System.String.Empty for a set operation sets this property to "/" .
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public int Port { get; set; }
Gets or sets the port number used to connect to the System.UriBuilder.Host referenced by the current instance.
A Int32 containing a non-negative port number .
Exception Type Condition ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value specified for a set operation was less than zero.
If no port was specified, the System.Uri.Port property returns the default port as determined by the scheme of the current instance. A port value of -1 indicates that the current scheme does not use a port, as is the case when the scheme of the current instance is the System.Uri.UriSchemeFile scheme.[Note: For the list of default ports used with each scheme, see System.Uri.Port .]
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public string Query { get; set; }
Gets or sets the query component of the current instance.
A String containing the query component of the URI represented by the current instance.
The System.UriBuilder.Query property contains any text following a query marker ('?') in the URI, including the marker itself. When setting the System.UriBuilder.Query property, the property value does not include the query marker as it is added to the property value by the set operation. Specifyingnull
for the System.UriBuilder.Query property value sets the property to System.String.Empty. Ifnull
or System.String.Empty are specified in a set operation, the query marker is not added to the property value. The set operation does not escape the query value.Setting the System.UriBuilder.Query property to any value, including
, sets the System.UriBuilder.Fragment property to System.String.Empty .
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public string Scheme { get; set; }
Gets or sets the scheme component of the current instance.
A String containing the scheme component of the current instance.
for a set operation sets this property to System.String.Empty . If the value specified for a set operation contains a colon (":"), the scheme is set using the substring that includes all characters from the start of the value up to, but not including the colon. The characters in the value are converted to lower case.
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public Uri Uri { get; }
Gets a Uri instance constructed using the current instance.
A Uri containing the URI components of the current instance.
Exception Type Condition UriFormatException The URI constructed using the string representation of the current instance is in an invalid form.
This property returns the same Uri instance until modifications are made to the current instance, at which time a new Uri instance is constructed by passing the string representation of the current instance to the Uri(String ) constructor.
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace
public string UserName { get; set; }
Gets or sets the user name information used to access the resource identified by the current instance.
A String containing the user name used to access the resource identified by the current instance.
for a set operation sets this property to System.String.Empty .
System.UriBuilder Class, System Namespace