public enum TypeAttributes
Specifies attributes of a type.
This enumeration is used by the Type class.
System.Reflection Namespace
TypeAttributes Fields
TypeAttributes.Abstract Field
TypeAttributes.AnsiClass Field
TypeAttributes.AutoClass Field
TypeAttributes.AutoLayout Field
TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit Field
TypeAttributes.Class Field
TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask Field
TypeAttributes.ExplicitLayout Field
TypeAttributes.Interface Field
TypeAttributes.LayoutMask Field
TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly Field
TypeAttributes.NestedFamANDAssem Field
TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem Field
TypeAttributes.NestedFamily Field
TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate Field
TypeAttributes.NestedPublic Field
TypeAttributes.NotPublic Field
TypeAttributes.Public Field
TypeAttributes.Sealed Field
TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout Field
TypeAttributes.SpecialName Field
TypeAttributes.StringFormatMask Field
TypeAttributes.UnicodeClass Field
TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask Field
TypeAttributes.value__ Field
Abstract = 0x80;
Specifies that the type is not implemented in the declaring type.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
AnsiClass = 0x0;
Specifies that LPSTR is interpreted as ANSI.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
AutoClass = 0x20000;
Specifies that LPSTR is interpreted automatically.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
AutoLayout = 0x0;
Specifies that fields of the type are automatically laid out by the system.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
BeforeFieldInit = 0x100000;
Specifies that calling static methods of the type does not force the system to initialize the type.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
Class = 0x0;
Specifies that the type is a class.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
ClassSemanticsMask = Interface;
Specifies a bitmask used to determine whether a type is a class or interface.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
ExplicitLayout = 0x10;
Specifies that the layout of fields in the type is provided explicitly.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
Interface = 0x20;
Specifies that the type is an interface.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
LayoutMask = SequentialLayout | ExplicitLayout;
Specifies a bitmask used to obtain layout information.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
NestedAssembly = Public | NestedFamily;
Specifies that the type is nested and is accessible only to members within its assembly.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
NestedFamANDAssem = NestedPublic | NestedFamily;
Specifies that the type is nested and is accessible only to members of its family in its assembly.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
NestedFamORAssem = Public | NestedPublic | NestedFamily;
Specifies that the type is nested and is accessible only to members of its family and throughout its assembly.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
NestedFamily = 0x4;
Specifies that the type is nested and is accessible only to members of its family.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
NestedPrivate = Public | NestedPublic;
Specifies that the type is nested with private visibility.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
NestedPublic = 0x2;
Specifies that the type is nested with public visibility.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
NotPublic = 0x0;
Specifies that the type is not public.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
Public = 0x1;
Specifies that the type has public visibility.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
Sealed = 0x100;
Specifies that the type cannot be used to derive new types.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
SequentialLayout = 0x8;
Specifies that fields in the type are laid out sequentially.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
SpecialName = 0x400;
Specifies that the type is treated in a special way by some tools.[Note: For more information on special names, see Partition I of the CLI Specification.
For more information on
in metadata, see Partition II of the CLI Specification.]
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
StringFormatMask = UnicodeClass | AutoClass;
Specifies a bitmask used to obtain string format information.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
UnicodeClass = 0x10000;
Specifies that LPSTR is interpreted as Unicode.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
VisibilityMask = Public | NestedPublic | NestedFamily;
Specifies a bitmask used to obtain visibility information.
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enum, System.Reflection Namespace