List of the areas of for which each project registered
on Savannah has write access.
- / Webmastering (who's in charge, project)
- /brave-gnu-world/ Brave GNU World (who's in charge, project)
- /doc/intro-book/ Just Do Gnu (who's in charge, project)
- /education/ Education (who's in charge, project)
- /events/20th/ 20th anniversary of the GNU Project (who's in charge, project)
- /fsfc/ FSFC - FCLL (who's in charge, project)
- /fsfe/ FSF Europe (who's in charge, project)
- /gnubiz/ GNU Business Network (who's in charge, project)
- /gwm/ The GNU Writing Movement (who's in charge, project)
- /japan/ GNU information service in Japanese (who's in charge, project)
- /jobs/ Free Software Jobs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/7pages/ 7pages (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/9box/ 9box (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aasm/ Advanced Assembler (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/abe/ ABE, A bioassay analysis program written in Python (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/abg/ Ayb Ben Gim - PHP Web Publisher Applikations Set (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/abiword/ AbiWord (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/accwhizz/ AccWhizz (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/acercade/ AcercaDe (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/achille/ Achille (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/acml/ ACML and Libraries (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/acrobot/ Acrobot IRC bot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/adabot/ Adabot: RealtimeBattle bot implemented using Ada (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/adaldap/ Ldap binding for Ada (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/adastudio/ AdaStudio (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/adeos/ Adeos (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/adgali/ Advanced Game Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/adgmix/ ADGMix Another Damn Gtk Mixer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/adonthell/ Adonthell (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/adr/ Amanda Disaster Recovery (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ADSYC/ A.D.S.Y.C. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/advent/ Advent (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/agentfarms/ Agent Farms (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ai-vdi/ AI-VDi (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aiarena/ aiarena (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aimon/ advanced information monitor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ainex-tg/ Ainex-TG (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ainulindale/ Ainulindale (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/akii/ akII Debug Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/al/ Abandoned Land (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/alcovebook/ AlcoveBook (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aldo/ Aldo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aleader/ Aleader (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aleona/ Aleona's Tales (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/almara/ Almara Photo Editor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/alph/ Alph - xanalogical media on storm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/alpha60/ alpha60 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/alsa-xmms/ Alsa 0.9 Xmms Output Plugin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ambar/ Minë (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/amguik/ Advanced Module of GUI for Kernel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ammerum/ Ammerum (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ampu/ A More Perfect Union (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/amritatutgen/ Amrita TutGen (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/anagramix/ Anagramix (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/analaca/ Analaca - Natural Language Computing Agent (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/anarchdb/ Anarch Revolt Deck Builder (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/anatomx/ AnatomX, The interactive 3d human anatomy program (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/animate/ 2D Animation System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/annif/ Annif (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/annpp/ ANN++ - Artificial Neural Networks in C++ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ant-phone/ ANT (ANT is Not a Telephone) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/antbear/ antbear - a Half-Life masterserver (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/antiright/ AntiRight Desktop Environment (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aoobts/ AOO Bug Tracking System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aotb/ Web Badminton Software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/apco/ APCO Land Mobile Radio (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/apolos/ Apolos (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aps/ Anarchist Package System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aqua/ The Aqua library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aramorph/ Arabic Analyzer for Java (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/arbprogram/ ARB program (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/arc/ The Arc build tool project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/architect/ GNU/Linux System Architect Toolkit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/arkeion/ Arkeion (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/arkiweb/ ArkiWeb - web content management (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/arnmusicmng/ Aurion Music Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/artdraw/ Artdraw graphics library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/arx/ ArX revision control system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/asi-engref/ Projet ASI2002 ENGREF (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/asimulator/ Asimulator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/astwar/ AstWar: 2D Space Shooter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/aswad/ ASWAD (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/asynuxconges/ Asynux Conges (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/atdot/ AtDot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/athena/ Athena (aka Athena OS, or AtheOS) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/atlazz/ Atlazz (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/audiodo/ MP3do (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/authd/ Authentication Daemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/autocutsel/ autocutsel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/autoscons/ Autoscons - An Autotools replacement for SCons (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/averist/ Averist (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/avldb/ AVLDB - AVL DataBase library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/avr-libc/ AVR C Runtime Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/avrdude/ AVR Downloader/UploaDEr (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/avrusb/ AVR USB (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/axiom/ Axiom Computer Algebra System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/axis/ Axis Groupware (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ayttm/ Ayt the messenger (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/azgroup/ azazel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/babe/ Babe: A framework for efficient data brokering (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/babele/ Babele (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/babelpl/ B@[bel] public library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/baby/ BabyChess (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/backbone/ The Backbone Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bahaiportal/ Bahai Portal (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bakonf/ bakonf (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bang/ Bang (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/baol-hth/ html-helper-mode (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/baroque/ Baroque (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/batchtracker/ Batch_Tracker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bazaar/ Bazaar (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bbdb-syncml/ A SyncML client for the BBDB. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bburn/ bburn - quick GUI IF to mkisofs/cdrecord (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bdl-t1-video/ Logiciel de codage Vidéo bas débit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bdtheme/ bdtheme (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/beaver/ Beaver (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/behemot/ Behemot Ircd Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/benchmark/ BenchThem (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bera/ Buriti Experimental Routing Architecture (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bfdada/ Binutils Ada Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bglight/ BG Light (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bhl/ The BHL mode (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bhmis/ bananamis (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bhpos/ bananapos (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/biblioml/ BiblioML (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/biborb/ BibORB BibTeX On-line References Browser (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bibulus/ The Bibulus bibliography formatting system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bichoco/ Bichoco Graphical Models System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/billnet/ billnet (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/binux/ Balmistik (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bitbucket/ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bitobi/ Bouchot 2 Bouchot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bizmag/ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bkchem/ BKchem (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/blast/ Worktitle Blast (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/blinkd/ Blinks keyboard LEDs for counting (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/blog/ blog (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/blogadelica/ blogadelica (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bloryn/ Bloryn (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/blt-debian/ BLT Debian GNU/Linux User's Guide (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/blwm/ Blanes Window Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bm/ Visual bookmarks for Emacs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bna/ Bonyad-e Narmafzar-e Azad (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bnf/ BNF Parser Generator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/Bobot/ BoBot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bobotpp/ Bobot++ -- A Schemeable IRC Bot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bombermaze/ BomberMaze (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bontz/ Bontz (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bonustrack/ DreadRock (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bootdisk/ bootdisk (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bordercross/ Border Crosser (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/botcommander/ BotCommander (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bothans/ Bothans (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bouquins/ Bouquins (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bradabra/ bradabra (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/braincooker/ Braincooker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/brian/ Brian (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bridge/ bridge (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/brillant/ BRILLANT (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bsf/ Bayesian Spam Filter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bsphp/ BrainSplatPHP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bttc/ BattleTech: Total Control (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bubblemon/ The Bubbling Load Monitoring Applet (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/build/ Build (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/buildpkg/ BUILDPKG - package build tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/bungle/ Bungled Backup System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/c-prog-book/ Book: Learning GNU C (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/C2M/ C2M (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/C6502e/ Clarification 6502 Emulator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cabot/ cabot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cadre/ Cadre PHP Web Framework (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cage/ Creative - a game engine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cal-catholic/ Catholic Calendar (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/calcux/ Calcux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/callgl/ LibCallGL: dynamic OpenGL calls (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cameleon/ Cameleon : an IDE for OCaml (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/camelmail/ CamelMail (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/camelot/ Camelot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/camino/ Camino (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/camp CAMP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/candoc/ Computer - and now? (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cantus/ Cantus (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/caracal/ CaRaCaL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/carbogen/ CarboGen (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/carbone/ Carbone Ruby VM (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/carbonkernel/ carbonkernel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cardinal/ Cardinal (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cardpics/ cardpics (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/carwars/ CarWars (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cashbox/ catalog-display and order-taking tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cassiopeia/ cassiopeia (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/catacalc/ CataCalc Version 1.0 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/catalog/ Catalog (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/catkin/ Catkin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cawala/ Cawala in caml (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cblock-spec/ C-Block Specification (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ccm/ libccmusic (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ccvs/ config-cvs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cdf/ Coup de foudre (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cdsagenda/ cdsagenda (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cdump/ cdump (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cedonkey/ ceDonkey (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cedvices/ Cedvices (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/certi/ CERTI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cfgstoragemk/ cfgstoragemaker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cfl/ CFL - Configuration File Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cflow2cflow/ Cflow2Cflow (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cfperl/ cfperl (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cfvers/ Configuration Versioning System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cgitechs/ CGITechSimple (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cgxml/ <CgXML/> (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/challengejpg/ Challenge JPEG (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/channelflow/ channelflow: a spectral fluid-flow simulator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/charmap/ Charmap - a GNUstep character map (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/chasys/ ChaSyS: Chat System for Slash (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/checkurls/ email-friendly files changes checker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cheesetrk/ CheeseTracker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/chemeq/ Chemeq (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/chicken/ The CHICKEN Scheme-to-C compiler (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/chktex/ LaTeX semantic checker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/chmougallery/ ChmouGallery (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/chmspec/ Unofficial CHM Specification (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ci/ CopyInspector (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cinag/ CINAG (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ciphered/ cipherED (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/circle/ The Circle (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/circus/ Circus: A highly modularized python WM (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cl-bibtex/ BibTeX system in Common Lisp (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/clanlib/ ClanLib (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cleia/ cleia (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/clickfrance/ Cartographie dynamique: la France (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/clingdoc/ cling Free Documentation Repository (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/club/ Leisure Center Administration (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cncutils/ CNC Utilities (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/codeboost/ CodeBoost (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/codeclean/ the system of clean code (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/codeeditor/ CodeEditor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/coeur/ ConvertisseurEuro (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cofi/ Cofi: A Java-Based Collaborative Filtering Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cogitatio/ Cogitatio, an enhanced discussion system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/coldfission/ Coldfission Web Language (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/colibri/ Colibri Conference Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/colisciences/ Colisciences (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/collatinvs/ COLLATINVS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/collection/ CMFCollection for Zope/CMF/Plone (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/collegefsf/ College FSF (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/combine/ combine: File Matching and Filtering (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/comet/ The Comet Middleware Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/comonfeelthenoize/ Com' On Feel The Noize (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/comunap/ Python OpenNapster client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/conduet/ Conduet Operating System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/confuse/ libConfuse (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/construo/ Construo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/coposys/ Community Positioning System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/correctredir/ Correct Redirect (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/couchtv/ Couch___ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cpirc/ cpIRC - C++ class based IRC protocol wrapper (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cppdoc/ C++ Documentation System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cppsh/ An Extensible C++ Function Shell (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/crbn/ Crbn Rendering System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/creatures/ creatures (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/criawips/ criawips (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cronus/ cronus load balancing system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/crust/ Crust Display System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cryptonit/ cryptonit: a free cryptosigning software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cservice/ c-service (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ctocpp/ C to C++ converter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cuadrantes/ Constructor de Cuadrantes / Quadrant (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/curphoo/ Curphoo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cusims/ Control Unit Sims (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/customize/ customize (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cuyo/ cuyo - a tetris like game (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cvser/ CVS Web Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cvsget/ CVS source download/sync access from behind firewall (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cvsreport/ cvsreport (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cw/ Community Web (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cwriter/ cwriter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/cycling/ cycling (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/d-moon-blue/ D-Moon-Blue (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dacode/ daCode (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/daemonarch/ The Daemonarch (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dahu/ DAHU is another homepage util. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/Danae/ Danae (dctc text frontend) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dandy/ DanDy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dap Dap statistics and graphics (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/daredevils/ The DareDevils Game (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/darius-admin/ Darius Admin Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/darius-misc/ Darius Misc Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/darius-sound/ Darius Sound Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/darius-text/ Darius Text Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/darius-tools/ Darius Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/darklord/ darklord (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dazuko/ Dazuko (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dba-dialog/ DBA DIALOG (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dbpack/ database scripts package (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dbrb/ Database request broker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dcc/ Debian Control Center (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/DCCIV/ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dcgui2/ dcgui2 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dchub/ DcHub: Hub software for Direct Connect (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dctc/ Direct Connect Text Client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/debalerte/ debalerte (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/debfr-faq/ FAQ debian-user-french (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/debgtk/ debGTK (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/debian-sf/ Sourceforge for Debian (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/debrapport/ debrapport (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/debsync/ DebSync Debian Synchronizer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dejaperl/ DejaPerl (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dem/ Digital Money (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/demexp/ Democratic Experience Software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/demo-schools/ Demo@Schools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/derniere/ Derniere (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/develkit/ Development Kit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dg-authwg/ DotGNU Auth WorkingGroup (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/digicamerge/ digicamerge (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/diginuxos/ Diginux Operating System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dink/ FreeDink (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/DirectVNC/ DirectVNC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/distwork/ DistWork (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dmidecode/ DMI Decode (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dminer/ DMiner (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dms/ Distributed Make System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dnc/ DNC - Distributed Network Conference (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/documental/ DocuMental: a public knowledge developement suite (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dolibarr/ Dolibarr (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dominiterrae/ Domini Terrae (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dook/ Dook: scripting language for Java (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dora/ DORA - Doug's Open Reporting Application (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/DPGE/ Dream Park Game Engine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dphoneman/ DoomiN's Phone Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dpmc/ Distributed Package Management Center (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/drall/ Drall (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dribble/ Dribble, open workflow (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/druidaPhpLib/ druidaPhpLib (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dsssl-utils/ DSSSL utilities (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dtd-cust/ DTD customiser (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dufs/ Decentralized and Universal File System for Hurd (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dumas/ The Dumas Framework (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dunac/ DUNAC (Dunac Users Need A Compiler) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/duplicity/ duplicity (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/durito/ Durito (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dvdrtools/ dvdrtools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dvi2xml/ DVI to XML converter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dynebolic/ dyne:bolic (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/dynetd/ dynetd - Dynalite lighing control client and server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/DZK/ Destination Zyklon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/eastandwest/ EastandWest (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/easyfloppy/ EasyFloppy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/easylook/ Easylook (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/easymonitor/ Monitor your equipments (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/easynode/ nodefordummies (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ebba/ The Ebba toolset (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ebkd/ Epeios backend manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ecgi/ Epeios CGI-related software and libraries (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/echolot/ echolot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/eclasses2/ cross Extension Classes (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/educplus/ EducPlus (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/educrypt/ educrypt (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/eduprocont/ Proxy Steuerung mittels Browser (PHP) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/Edventure/ Edventure Course Management System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ee/ Emacs Categorizing Information Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/eefje/ Eefje - Entity Engineered for Fighting and Justified Extermination (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/eeguides/ Electrical Engineering Study Guides (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ejava/ Epeios JAVA frontend (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ekwak/ eKwak (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/election/ election (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/elgyach/ El-Gyach -- an Emacs Lisp interface to Y (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/eliot/ Eliot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/elisp-code/ Emacs Lisp Package Repository (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/elmo/ elmo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/elysium/ The Elysium project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/emacs-rtf/ Emacs/RTF (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/emacsdoc-fr/ French GNU Emacs manual (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/emarks/ emarks (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/emaxml2/ Emaxml - Emacs major mode for XML (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/emhacks/ Repository for stuff for Emacs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/emonkey/ eMonkey (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/empire/ Wolfpack Empire Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/emsc/ Epeios musical libraries (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/emth/ Epeios mathematical libraries (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/enews/ E-News (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/engineer/ Iso-Engineer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/enigma/ Enigma (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/enki/ The Enki Document System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ensemblist/ Ensemblist (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/epeios/ Epeios core (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ephyplugins/ GNOME Web Browser Extensions (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/epicerie/ Epicerie en folie (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/epiphany/ Epiphany (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/epiwm/ EPIwm Window Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/epix/ ePiX (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/epm/ Eraserhead's Patch Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/epnadmin/ epnadmin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/epycycle/ ePyCycle (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/equinox/ Equinox Desktop Environment (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/erbot/ erbot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ERP/ E-Riva-Portal (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/erp5/ ERP5 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/erptravel/ Travel Enterprise (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/erw/ ERW (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/eselsql/ EselSQL - A mldonkey-MySQL backend (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/espere/ Espere (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ess/ Emacs Speaks Statistics (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ethel/ The Ethel Freenet Node (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/etmc/ Epeios timecode-related libraries and software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/etp/ EDE Translation Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/eupm/ cupleupm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/evosync/ EvoSync (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ewo/ Eyes Wide Open (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ewok/ Extreme Waste Of Keystokes (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/exml/ Epeios XML-related libraries and software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/exosip/ The eXtended osip library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/exportmgp/ Exportation of msp slides (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ext2-doc/ Ext2 Documentation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ezfirebox/ Easy Firewall Box (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/f-cpu/ f-cpu (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/faifes/ Translation into spanish of Free as in Freedom by Sam Williams (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fam/ FAM - File Alteration Monitor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/famproject/ Freedom Access Music (FAM) Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fan/ Free Accounting Network (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/favele/ Favele Word Prediction Library/Software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fb-livecd/ fb-livecd (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fbgetty/ fbgetty (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fcatcher/ fcatcher (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fcp/ Free Curriculum Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/FDLinED/ FreeDOS Line Editor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/femlisp/ Femlisp (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fenfire/ Fenfire - a hyperstructured UI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ferment/ Multiple Choice Questions (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/feta/ Feta (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fetchmailmon/ Fetchmail Monitoring tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/feuerkraft/ Feuerkraft (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ff3d/ FreeFEM3D (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ffss/ Fleming File Sharing System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fgs/ Free Go Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fhsst/ The Free High School Science Texts (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fianchetto/ fianchetto (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fidentd/ firewall ident daemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/filer/ Filer - GNUstep File Management Interface (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/filmweb-php/ FilmWeb php (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fine/ FiNE - secure anonymous p2p Filesharing NEtwork (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/firefly/ FireFly (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/firewall-jay/ Iptables firewall script by Jay (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/firstjeudi/ FirstJeudi (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/flashcarbon/ Flashcarbon Game System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/flaxornoflax/ Flaxornoflax (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/flc/ The FL Compiler Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/flcd/ FreeLCD (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fle3/ Fle3 is a Learning Environment (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/flowbot/ Flowbot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/flower/ FLOWER (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/flpda/ FLPDA (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fluid/ Fluid Synth (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fluxbox-aa/ FluxBox AA (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fm/ Fm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fmp/ Functional MetaPost (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fnkdat/ fnkdat (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fontdudes/ Hindi Font (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/foomatic-gui/ Foomatic-GUI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/FormuleWeb/ FormuleWeb (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/francine/ francine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/free-defrag/ FreeDOS defrag (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freebangfont/ Free Bangla Fonts (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freebilling/ Telephony Billing (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freecas/ freecas (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freecats/ Free Computer-Aided Translation Software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freecnab/ Free CNAB standards (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freedsl/ FreeDSL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freefont/ Free UCS Outline Fonts (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/Freeform/ Freeform (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freehash/ freehash (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freehoo/ FreeHoo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freeice/ Free AVR ICE / GDB-Serializer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freeipmi/ FreeIPMI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freej/ FreeJ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freemachdoc/ Free Mach Documentation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freemars/ FreeMars (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freemedia/ FreeMedia - Specialized server for distribution of open media content (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freemoz/ FreeMoz Directory Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freeprospect/ Free Prospect (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freeride/ FreeRIDE (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freesci-m/ FreeSci/M - The Free Science System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freesci/ FreeSCI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freescope/ Freescope Source Code Browser (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freesdp/ FreeSDP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freeseti/ FreeSETI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freetrack/ Freetrack satellite tracker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freevamp/ Free V-AMP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freewps/ Free Web Publishing System™ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/freport-see/ Freport, SEE Daemon Plug-In (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/friki/ Friki (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fringe/ FRINGE (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/frobweb/ FrobWeb (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/frotz/ KFrotz (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/frozenb-ptp/ Frozen Bubble Peer-to-Peer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fsctp/ Free SCTP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fsedu/ Free Software in Education (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ftpproxy/ ftp.proxy - FTP Proxy Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fxscintilla/ FXScintilla (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/fxvt/ FXvt (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/g-wrap/ G-wrap (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gacc/ gAcc (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gaelle/ gaelle (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gallium/ Gallium (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gambit/ Gambit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ganesha/ ganesha (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ganimed/ GaNIMeD (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gap/ GNUstep Application Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gas-user/ GAS AS End User Help (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gbook/ GBook Reader (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gcgi/ CGI Library in C (GCGI) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gchempaint/ GChemPaint (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gchemutils/ Gnome Chemistry Utils (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gcjwebplugin/ GCJ Java plugin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gcmd/ GNOME Commander (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gcommander/ Gcommander (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gcontacts/ gcontacts (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gcrm/ Customize Relationship Management (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gcrystal/ Gnome Crystal (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gdbc/ Generic Database Connector (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gdlx/ G DLX Simulator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gdraughts/ GDraughts (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gdsl/ GDSL - Generic Data Structures Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gedify/ gedify: GEDCOM 6 XML to GEDCOM 5 convert (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/geekpoly/ GeekPoly (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gemerge/ A Gnome UI for Portage (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gems/ GEMS Enterprise Messaging System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/genartware/ GenArtWare (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gene/ Gene (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/genea/ Genea (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/genealix/ genealix (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/genepi/ Genépi (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/genpasswd/ genpasswd - A simple password generator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gentoo-dk/ Danish Gentoo Documentation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/geocaml/ GeoCaml (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/geometrygl/ GeometryGL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/geronimo/ Geronimo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gerwin/ GNU Entity Relation Modeller (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gesconf/ GesConf (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gforge/ GForge (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gfs/ gfs - GNU from scratch (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ggrav/ Gravity Game (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ghomemover/ GHome Mover (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ghosts/ Ghosts (Genealogy... Software) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/giconed/ gnome-iconedit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/giftcurs/ giFTcurs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/giftweb/ GiftWeb (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gin/ gin (Gpl INsert) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ginco/ Gnome Internet Access Control (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ginette/ ginette (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gini/ Gini Is Not an IDE (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gink/ GINK Interface Nettool Kit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/giptables/ GIPTables Firewall (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gkdial/ GTK Kov Dialer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gksu/ GKSu (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gktop/ gktop (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gleam/ Gleam Liberated Emulator of Arcade Machi (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/glgo-fe/ GL Go (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/glibc-bsd/ Glibc support for *BSD's kernels (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/glifengine/ GLIF_ENGINE le moteur 3D de GLinFrench (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/glink/ glink (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/glmosaictext/ GLMosaicText - text in OpenGL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/glms/ GNU/Linux voor middelbare scholen (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/glob2/ Globulation 2 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/glpi/ GLPI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gmemlogger/ GMemLogger (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gmemo/ gmemo - memo applet (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gmone/ GmOne (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gmonitor/ gmonitor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnetc/ GnetCurses (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnobb-dev/ GNOBB (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnobog/ Gnobog (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnokii/ gnokii (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnome-is/ Gnome in Icelandic - Translation project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnome-ku/ Gnome Kurdish Translation Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnome-tanks/ Gnome Tanks (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnomedc/ GnomeDC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnomoradio/ gnomoradio (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnoppix/ Gnoppix (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnorms/ gnorms (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnosi/ gnosi (Gnome Software Installer) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnosys/ Gnowledge Networking and Organizing System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnotary/ Digital Notary (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnuheter/ Gnuheter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnumach-alpha/ The GNU HURD on Alpha (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnupgd/ GnuPG Keyserver (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gnusdoc-fr/ Manuel Gnus en français (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/goanseech/ Global anime series leech (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/goboscripts/ GoboLinux Scripts (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gomd/ general openMosix daemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gomp/ An OpenMP imprementation for gcc (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/good/ GNUStep Object Oriented Diagram (GOOD) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gossip/ The GOSSIP Simulation Environment (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gotmail/ Gotmail (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gpgs/ generic board game server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gpl-french/ French translation for the GNU GPL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gpm/ General Purpose Mouse (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gpmakefiles/ generic portable makefiles (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gportupgrade/ gPortupgrade: the easy way to manage your BSD Ports! (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gpostman/ gpostman (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gpremacy/ Gpremacy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gproxy/ gproxy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gpse/ GPSE is a PlayStation Emulator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gquickdraw/ GQuickDraw (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/grabcomics/ phpGrabComics (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/Grace/ Grace (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gradev/ MSS Gradev (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/grammatica/ Grammatica (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/graphtool/ GraphTool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/graw/ Widget for graph drawing (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/grdesktop/ grdesktop (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/greenbeans/ Green Beans (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gribouy/ Gribouy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gridpt/ Grid Tools from the GridPT collaboration (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/grokedb/ grokedb Database Client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/GroupZope/ Irisnet GroupZope (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/grt/ GRT Raytracer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gsatellite/ gSatellite (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gsched/ Gsched (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gserverproxy/ CVS ext-to-gserver proxy tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gsmokefree/ gSmokeFree - ex smoker's stats program (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gsp/ General Server Page (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gstutorial/ GNUstep Tutorial (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gtick/ GTick - The Metronome (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gtk-acl/ Gtk Acl (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gtk-gnutella/ gtk-gnutella (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gtk-iptables/ Gtk-IPtables (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gtk-viewer/ GTK-Viewer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gtkflame/ Gtkflame, A Gtk flame generator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gtktalog/ GTKtalog (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gtkundo/ GtkUndo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gtrchord-eps/ gtrchord-eps (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gug-nixal/ Nixal GNU/Linux Usr Grp Website ( NSEC, Kolkata) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gugpl/ G.U.G.P.L (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/guile-num/ Guile-numerics (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/guile-rl/ Guile and Readline framework (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/guile-ssql/ Guile SimpleSQL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/guileconf/ Guileconf (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/guilepgsock/ guilepgsock (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/guilexmlxsl/ guile libxml/xsl (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/guitoo/ guitoo - graphical tools for gentoo. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gummiterm/ Gummiterm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gurlchecker/ gURLChecker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/guss/ GUSS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gutopia/ GUtopIa (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gweb/ GWEB - general literate programming tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gwhere GWhere (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gworkspace/ GWorkspace (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gwyple/ gwyple (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gxirc/ The Guile eXtensible IRC client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gxmms/ gXMMS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gxplor/ Projet Livingstone (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/gzz/ gzz (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hackedbox/ Hackedbox (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hackjack/ HackJack (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hacksql/ HackSQL Database (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hangul/ Portable Hangul Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/haplo/ Haplo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hasciicam/ HasciiCam (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/havelock/ Havelock (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/haver/ Haver Ain't Very Exciting, Really (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hawk/ Hawk (HTML-Awk) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hbg/ The Hurd Building Guide (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hcalc/ HaypoCALC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hcb/ Hyperlinked C++ BNF Grammar (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hdup/ hdup - backup files with encryption and network support (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/heartlogic/ Open Heart Logic (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/heb/ Hemara et Bemara (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/help/ Help for FreeDOS - Experimental new implementation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/helpviewer/ HelpViewer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/herkeois/ SFI Herkeois Backup (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hermit/ Hermit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/heroes/ Heroes (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hinage/ Hinage Is Not A Gnu Exokernel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hipy/ hipy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hit/ The HTML Inclusion Tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hitweb/ hitweb (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hopify/ Hopify (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hostpkg/ Host-package builder (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hotstuff/ HotStuff (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/html2fo/ HTML to XSL:FO converter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/html2wiki/ HTML to WikiWiki conversion tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/html2wml/ Html2Wml (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/htmlc2c/ htmlc2c: HTML with embeded C to C (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/http-emacs/ http-emacs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/http-kit/ HTTP-Kit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/human-beings/ Human Beings (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hunt/ Hunt (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hurd-alpha/ GNU HURD/Alpha (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hurd-iso/ GNU/Hurd installation iso's (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hurdextras/ Hurd Extras (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hurdppc/ Hurd on Mach on PowerPC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/huskeymail/ Huskey Grrl Mail Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/hydroxide/ Hydroxide (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/i-pedagogie/ i-pedagogie, (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ibija/ ibija (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/icmptunnel/ icmptunnel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/idb/ idb (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/idedos/ The IDEDOS Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ie2g/ IE2G (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ifile/ The ifile e-mail filtering system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ifsplot/ IFSplot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/igive/ igive, free voluntary ads web (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/iiwusynth/ IIWU Synth (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ikeyd/ ikeyd (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/im/ Improbable Mission (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/imail/ iMail (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/indigo/ indigo GLB and failover solution (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ingroup/ InGroup Collaboration Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/interlingua/ Interlingua computerisate (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/interopcast/ Icecast interop enhanced (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/intersession/ InterSession (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/intrspctr/ libre-introspector (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/inventaire/ inventaire (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/invoke/ invoke (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/iou/ gnu.uio: fast I/O buffers, utf-8 (java) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ipath/ iPath (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ipfc/ IPFC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/iphysics/ Open Physics Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ircbots/ Rizen's IRC Bots (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/irene/ IRENE (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/iris/ Iris: a 3D vis plugin for XMMS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/irmctl/ InfraRed MultiConTrolLer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ironmailer/ IronMailer, flexible Webmail (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/irssi-script/ Perl scripts for the IRSSI IRC client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/iruka/ iruka (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/iut2003/ IUT 2003 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/iva/ Interactive Virtual Academy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jacksum/ Jacksum (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jailuser/ prfw (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/janosik/ Open version of 'Platnik' (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jasmine/ Jasmine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jason/ Java Activation Service (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/java-gnome/ Java-GNOME (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jccs/ java Content Creation System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jcurzez/ Jcurzez (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jdiff/ Jojo's Binary Diff (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jeas/ Jeas: Java Enhanced Availability Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jelie/ Jelie (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jessie/ Jessie:A Free Implementation of the JSSE (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jesuislibre/ Je Suis Libre (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jff/ Jaunt Foundation Functions (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jhcfonts/ JHCfonts (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jinn/ JiNN is Not Nuke (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jmud/ JMud Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/joefw/ joes firewall (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jpattern/ JPattern (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jpkg/ jpkg source package manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jreversepro/ JReversePro (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jsptutorial/ Webbased tutorial engine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jtrix/ The Jtrix Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/jxminor/ Java Extras Elisp Minor Mode (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/k-mib/ K-MiB (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/k3d/ K-3D (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kairo/ Generalised business system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kakadu/ Kakadu web engine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kamel/ Kamel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/karenn/ karenn (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kb/ The KnowledgeBase (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kcss/ KCSS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kde-i18n-pl/ KDE i18n-pl devel. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/keen/ keen (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kernelconf/ A Kernel Configuration System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/keylookup/ keylookup (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/khamlog KHamLog (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/khttrack/ khttrack (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kiftp/ KiFTP Client - A simple yet powerful FTP client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kig/ Kavlon Image Gallery (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kiloircd/ KiloIRCd (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kimagemap/ KImageMapEditor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kimwitu-pp/ Kimwitu++ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kiss/ KISS - Kernel Improved Security System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kiwa/ Kakadu Is Web Automat (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kiwi/ KiWi (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/klog/ KLog - KDE Ham Log (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/km21/ Manfred Morgner Documentation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kmdbg/ Kernel modular debugger and development (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kmldonkey/ KMLDonkey (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/knfsplugin/ KNfsPlugin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/know-how/ The Machine Learning Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kochmeister/ KochmeisterSOAP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/koha/ Koha Library Automation Package (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/koth/ King of the Hill - Multiplayer artillery game (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kplcr/ KPlaylistCreator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kportage/ KPortage (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/krp/ Kids Robotics Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ksendfax/ KSendFax (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ksh888/ ksh888 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ksqladmin/ KSQLAdmin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/kvcdphoto/ KVCDphoto (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/l4-console/ l4-console (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/l4hurd/ GNU/Hurd on L4 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/labapus/ Linux Administration Bash And Perl Useful Scripts (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ladcca/ LADCCA (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lafontaine/ lafontaine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lagrange/ LaGrange (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lambda-perl/ Lambda Board (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lambda4j/ Functionals Library for Java (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lambdamoo-mu/ Lambdamoo-mu (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/laptopkernel/ Linux Kernel for laptops (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lasthope/ Last hope, the medieval web-based RPG/strategy game (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/latexfr/ LaTeX Fr (tetex-frogg) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lcdinfo/ LCDInfo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lea/ Library EnAbling xupdate usage (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/leafpkgs/ Leaf package finder for Debian (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/leetcvrt/ 1337 Converter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lefan/ GLeFAN : Gnu/Linux for Friends & Newbies (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lemur/ Lemur OLAP Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/leone/ leone - console irc client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lfs-de/ LFS in german (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lfs-install/ lfs-install - An automated Linux From Scratch-Installer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lget/ lget (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/liam/ L.I.A.M. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/liaxe/ Liaxe Is An XML Editor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libaa/ C++ Affine Arithmetic library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libann/ Artificial Neural Network Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libbraille/ Braille library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libbubblemon/ libbubblemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libconf/ libconf (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libconnect/ libconnect (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libgraph/ libgraph (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libgtkpp/ libgtk++ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libhid/ libHID (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libid3/ ID3 libraries (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/liblearn/ LibLearn (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libml/ LibML (Machine Learning Library) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libopennap/ Library implementing Opennap protocol (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libpartedpp/ libparted++ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libra/ libra (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libsnprintfv/ libsnprintfv (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libspfquery/ Library for SPF queries (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libspider/ libspider (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libtemplate/ libtemplate: a template library for c (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libuecp/ libuecp (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libvob/ Vobs - a novel 2 1/2D UI framework (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libxmlight/ LibXMLight (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libxmlsharp/ Libxml# (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/libysys/ Libysys (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lightfoot/ Lightfoot Networks (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/limdi/ Light Multi Document Interface (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lindoku/ Lin-Doku (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/Linjabb/ Linjabb Secure Discussion System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/linjewel/ JewelERP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/linphone/ LinPhone - Telephony on Linux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lintalk/ LinTalk (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/linuxnews/ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/liquidwar/ Liquid War (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/livecontrol/ LiveControl (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/livecut/ livecut (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ljupdate/ ljupdate, a LiveJournal client for Emacs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lkdp/ Linux Kernel Documentation Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lmi/ Let Me Illustrate... (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lms/ LMS (LDAP Management System) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/locfinder/ locfinder (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/Loco/ Lot Of Communication Overhead (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/LOffice/ LibreOffice (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/loglib/ Article Logiciels Libres (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/logo/ Jeu de la tortue (logo) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lolix/ lolix (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lookupd/ lookupd (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/loom/ Fenfire Loom (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/los/ The Los Task Request System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lotuxtips/ LoTuxTips (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/louise/ Louise security managing system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lparmanager/ lpar manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lpi-manuals/ Free GNU/Linux Administration Manuals (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lsm/ Libre Software Meeting (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ludap/ LuDAP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lumi/ Lumi space game (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lumiere/ Lumiere (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/luv/ LUV Email and Membership List Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lwc/ Lightweight C++ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lwip/ lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lwl/ LWL - Log Writer Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ly/ Ly, the lyterate programming thingy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/lynx/ The Lynx text browser (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/m16c/ GNU Development Chain for M16C (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/m2f/ Mail2forum (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/macc/ MAC Changer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/machmon/ Machmon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/macks/ Macks: safe Ada unit handling (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mail-to-news/ Mail to news gateway (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mailnotify/ Mail Notification, A mail notification for the GNOME tray (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/maitretarot/ maitretarot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/maja/ Maja (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/majorteach/ MajorTeach (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mala/ MaLa (MacroLanguage) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/maliph/ Maliph (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mamo/ MakeModules (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/man-db/ Database-driven manual pager suite (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/man2html/ man2html (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mantra/ Mantra (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mapextract/ MapExtract (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/march/ Yet another computer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/marmot/ Marmot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/marvin/ The Marvin Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/masp/ MASP, the Assembly Preprocessor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/masterlibre/ European Master on Libre (Free) Software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mastok/ MASToK (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/materm/ materm: tabbed terminal based on aterm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mathcy/ Free-Education-Mathematics-Cyprus (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/matt-xoops/ Matt's XOOPS Mods (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mbslib/ Multi-Body Systems Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mcron/ mcron (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/meat/ Meat an rss news reader (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mediarat/ Media indexer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mekmule/ mechaniKal Mule (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/melvin3d/ The Melvin3D Engine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/metacosm/ Metacosm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/metanet/ MetaNet (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/metanews/ MetaNews the meta news server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/metea/ Metea (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mg4j/ MG4J (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mhc/ Modular Homepage (MHP) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mhonarc/ MHonArc (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mibble/ Mibble MIB Parser (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mifayn/ MIFAYN (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/milterplus/ libmilter++ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mimerdesk/ MimerDesk (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mingart/ Mingart MNG encoder (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/miniwiki/ Apache::MiniWiki (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/minorfish/ Minorfish (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mldonkey/ mldonkey, a free e-Donkey client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mlktools/ MLK Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mlview/ MlView (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mmorpgdk/ MMORPG Development Kit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/moas/ Mouse Orientiertes Adventure System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mod-guile/ The Guile Scheme Apache module (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mod-wiki/ mod_wiki - An Apache Module for the Wiki (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mod-witch/ mod-witch Apache module (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/modab/ MOlecular DAtabase of Biology (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/modcaml/ mod_caml (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/modelbuilder/ Model Builder: Graphical ODE Simulator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/moderation/ ctk-catalog-moderation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/modvhostldap/ mod_vhost_ldap (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mofo/ Modular Object Framework Organizer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mona/ Mona (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/monit/ monit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/monkey-share/ Monkey Share (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/monotone/ monotone (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/moonlight3d/ Moonlight3D (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/moriarty/ Moriarty (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/moss/ Moss Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/movixmaker/ MoviXMaker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/moz-bonobo/ Mozilla-bonobo browser plugin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mozilla-bg/ Български превод на разглеждача Мозилла. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mozilla-nl/ Mozilla localization for Dutch (nl-NL) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mp321ogg/ MP3 to Ogg Vorbis converter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mp3list/ MP3List (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mp3player/ Emacs mp3player (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mp3tag/ mp3tag (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mpak/ Mongoose Package Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mpburner/ Modularized Microchip PIC Burner (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mpscan/ Multi Purpose scanner (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ms/ Music Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mtpchat2/ Chat 2 ! (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mts/ Multi-Threads Socket Library (MTS) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/muddleftpd/ Muddleftpd - Flexible, secure FTP Daemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mudgnome/ MudGnome MUD Client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mugg/ Multi Usage Graphic Generator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/multicms/ Multi-CMS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/muse/ MuSE (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/musicbox/ MusicBox, a GNUstep music manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/musicreco/ Partitions Musics Recognition System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mustache/ Mustache - Free Professional Music Editor for GNU / Linux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mustux/ Mustux - A Free Musician Tools Paradigm Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mutt-guile/ Mutt-Guile (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mvlab/ Machine Vision LABoratory (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mwcalc/ Molecular Weight Calculator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mx/ Mx Documentation Tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/myam/ MyAM (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/myapi/ MyAPI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mybdl/ videoconf editor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/myer/ Myer - Semantic Highlighter for C source (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mygale/ Mygale (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/myrss/ MyRSS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mysight/ MySight (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mystica/ Mystica (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mytof/ MyTof (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/mytunes/ mytunes - an mp3 player. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/naema/ NAEMA (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/naja/ naja (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nak/ Nak (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nano3d/ Nano Demo Engine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nanoftpd/ nanoFTPd (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/narsil/ Narsil - General Purpose C Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/navidoc/ Navidoc - linking documentations via imagemaps (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/needle/ The Needle Programming Language (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nel/ NeL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/neolinuxconf/ neo-LinuxConf (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/netblaster/ Netblaster (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/netftpserver/ Net::FTPServer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nethack-el/ nethack-el (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/netinfo-pm/ Perl netinfo db access module (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/netmon/ netmon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/netpanzer/ netPanzer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/netprofile/ Netprofile (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/netshard/ NetSharD - Networked Sharing System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/neurocaml/ ocaml neural network (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/neurostat/ neuronal-statistical-tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/newline/ Newline Internet BBS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/newsticker/ newsticker.el (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nexml/ NEXml (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nexus/ Nexus voice communication application (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ngl/ NGL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nightsite/ Night Site (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ninar/ NiNaR - NiNaR is Not an Rpg (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nmh/ The nmh Mail Handling System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nmk/ NanoMicroKernel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nntp-java/ gnu.inet.nntp (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/noc-admin/ NOC-admin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nodemanager/ Node Manager - Community IP/Name Management (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/notetool/ NoteTool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nova/ The Nova Operating System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/novasystem/ Nova Gaming System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nrdo/ nrdo (NetReach Database Objects) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nric/ NetRexx Improved Compiler (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nsl/ Tensile (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nss-multidom/ NSS module for multidomain (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nss-mysql/ NSS MySQL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nss-pgsql/ nss-pgsql (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nss/ Network System Save (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nsssms/ Not So Short SMS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nstx/ NSTX -- tunneling network-packets over DNS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ntinter/ ntinter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ntobsv/ Network Traffic Observatory (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nufw/ NuFW (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nukeevent/ NukeEvent - Event Portal System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nukewebpages/ Webpages for PHPNuke (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nuschool/ NuSchool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nuxeo/ Nuxeo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/nxpak/ NxPackage (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/obb/ Open Beat Box (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/obexftp/ ObexFTP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/objresolv/ Objresolv: an object analizer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ocaml-tmk/ OCaml Text Mode Kit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ocamlrss/ OCaml-RSS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/octopus/ Octopus Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oddmuse/ OddMuse (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/offmirror/ offmirror - offline files tree mirroring utility (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ofm/ Open File Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oggcastd/ oggcastd (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oggdj/ Ogg-dj (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oggdoctor/ Ogg Doctor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ogl/ Open Game Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oil2xsd/ OIL to XML Schema transformator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/okstraperl/ OKSTRAperl (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oladm/ oladm : OpenLDAP admin tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/om/ Om - persistent object system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/omnibib/ OmniBib (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/onhandpc-kit/ onHandPC app kit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oodbi/ DBIx::OODBI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ooodeb-hu/ Hungarian translation of OOo in deb pack (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/opale/ Opale (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/opalesoya/ Opale.Soya (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openap/ OpenAP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openbox/ OpenChatterBox (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/opendict/ OpenDict (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/opendip/ OpenDIP Dynamic DNS Software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openexr/ OpenEXR (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openhacha/ OpenHacha (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openmosix/ openMosix (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openpanorama/ Open Panorama File Format (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openpeer/ Open Peer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/opensc/ OpenSC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openstreet/ OpenStreet (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/opental/ OpenTAL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/opentaz/ OpenTAZ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openvds/ OpenVDS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/OpenVortex/ The OpenVortex Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/openvsd/ OpenVSD (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/opms/ Overall Project Management System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ops/ OPS! the OPS Package System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/orange-slice/ the Orange Slice (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/orgadoc/ OrgaDoc (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/orinoco/ The Linux orinoco driver (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oroborus/ Oroborus (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oscafe/ oscafe (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/oskit/ Unofficial OSKit source (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/osrd/ The Open Sip Registrar Daemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/otto/ Otto (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/out-lame/ XMMS Out_Lame Plugin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/overview/ Overview Web Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/owl/ OWL's not Windows or gnu/Linux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ozion/ ozion (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/p-v-perl/ Params::Validate (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pa-aperta/ Amministrazione Aperta (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pablo/ Pablo -- The Publisher (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pac/ Public Action Center (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/packddir/ PackdDir utils, handle Quake2 pak files (like pak0.pak) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/padb/ Prior Art Database (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/palito/ palito - a real time strategy game (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pam-mount/ pam_mount (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pam/ PAM - Paint All in a Map (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pan/ Pan (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/panda/ Panda PDF Generation API (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pandora/ Pandora Monitoring Platform (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/papagayo/ Papagayo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/paparazzi/ paparazzi (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/papo/ PAPO (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/paragui/ ParaGUI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/parrt/ PARRT (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/partimage/ partimage (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/partysip/ The partysip SIP Proxy server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/passcheck/ Passcheck - A password sanity tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pax/ PAX (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pcalc/ A stack based console calculator. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pdb/ pdb - minimalistic db written in php (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pdbv/ Package DataBase View (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pdnmesh/ A 2D finite element program (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pdwlog/ PD w log - web log (forum/guestbook/etc) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/peng/ peng (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pengfork/ penggy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/perapad/ Pera Pad (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/perl-fusion/ Perl-Fusion (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/perlappinst/ Perl App Installer Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/perlpanel/ Perl Panel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/perlpatbook/ Perl Design Patterns Book (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/perlsgml/ perlSGML (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/perpetua/ Perpetua (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/petal/ Pattern Template Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pewit/ PEWIT (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pfractl/ PfractL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pgubook/ Programming from the Ground Up Book (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/php-drugref/ interfaces (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/php-gettext/ PHP gettext (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/php-xml/ ActiveLink PHP XML Package (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpcompta/ PhpCompta (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpevalcours/ PHPEvalCours (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpevents/ PHPEvents (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpexplore/ phpExplore (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpgest/ GestionalePHP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpkrb5/ phpkrb5 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpman/ phpMan (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpmcq/ Multiple Choice Questionnaire in PHP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpmycdarch/ phpMyCdArchive (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpom/ phpOrderManager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpplaygo/ PHPPlayGo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpquiz/ PHPQuiz (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpquotes/ phpquotes - A lookalike (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpremise/ PHPRemise (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phptags/ Custom Tags for PHP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phptest/ phpTest (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phptools/ PHP Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpum/ phpUM (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpwebkit/ phpWEBkit - easy website building kit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phpxmlcms/ phpXMLcms (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phtml-parse/ lib PHTML Parse (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/phypnogram/ phypnogram (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/piawg/ Piawg Is A Web Gallery (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pika/ Pika Scheme (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pikscedict/ Pik's GTK2 Client to CEDict (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/piksel/ piksel video framework (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pingus/ Pingus (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/piratux/ PiraTux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/planets/ Planets (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/platero/ Platero (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/platformx/ platformX (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/playlinks/ Playlinks, Internet links for Slash site (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/Plc2c/ PLC IEC 61131-3 to C (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/plcc/ PerlCoinCoin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pleade/ PLEADE (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/plex86/ Plex86 Virtual Machine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/plife/ The PLife Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ply/ PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/plyt/ phP mL donkeY telneT (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/plywood/ Plywood Playwriting Software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pm2mail/ PUBMED-to-Email (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/po-assist/ PO translator assistant (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/po4a/ Po for anything (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/popa/ Timestamping of Prior Art System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pornfind/ Porn web page detector (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/portfolio/ Portfolio (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/postphpix/ postphpix - manage postfix+LDAP via web (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/powa/ POWA (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/powerapplet/ powerapplet (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/powlowdirect/ powlowdirect (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pppsurvd/ pppsurvd's project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/prack/ prack (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/precis/ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/PredAnalysis/ Predictive Analysis (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/prelude/ prelude (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/prestimel/ PresTiMeL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/printanalyze/ PrintAnalyzer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/probity/ Probity, the web proxy filter. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/project-nau/ Project Nautilus (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/projectaxis/ Project AXIS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/prometheus/ Prometheus PBEM Game by Mathias Kettner (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/protux/ Protux - Free Professional Audio Tool for GNU/Linux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/proxyrbl/ proxyrbl - configurable caching RBL/SBL proxy server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/prua/ prua (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/psg/ Project Steve Guttenberg (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/psivision/ PsiVision - image auto-classification (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/psmon/ PSMON - Process Monitoring Daemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pthreads/ A portable pthreads for glibc (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ptkei/ Python/Tk Empire Interface (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/puffin/ Puffin MUD Client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pup/ Picking Up Perl (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pupa/ PUPA (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pwp/ PHP Web Proxy (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pxe-toolkit/ PXE client and server samples. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pxrpm/ pxrpm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/py-rrdtool/ Python interface to RRDTool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/py3d/ py3d (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pyantra/ PYantra (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pyatcron/ System Task Scheduler (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pyBriscola/ Python Briscola (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pycat/ pycat (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pycroft/ PyCroft: Webservice in a python GUI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pydbc/ PyDBC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pydonkey/ PyDonkey (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pyet/ Python Embedded Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pyglibtop/ python wrapper for glibtop (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pygmalion/ Pygmalion (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pygsear/ pygsear (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pykota/ PyKota (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pymaryon/ PyMarYon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pyodbc/ Python ODBC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pypiper/ PyPiper Graphical Pipes Interface (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pyplet/ PyPlet - An IRC bot who speaks ! (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pypoker/ PyPoker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pyseen/ PySeen picture viewer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pysysinfo/ PySysInfo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pytexbill/ pyTeXBill (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/python-crack/ python-crack (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/python-pdi/ Python-PDI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pythonverse/ PythonVerse/RubyVerse (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pytunnel/ Pytunnel Python Tunnelling (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pywavelets/ PyWavelets - wavelet analysis for python. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pyweb/ Python Web Toolkit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/pywordgen/ PyWordGen (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qadsl/ Automatic login program (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qc/ QueueControl (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qdbm/ QDBM: Quick DataBase Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qemacs/ QEmacs Editor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qemu/ qemu (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qheadache/ Hard Chinese Headache (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qhq/ Qollection of Programming Language Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qhull/ Qhull (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qnet/ QNet (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qnxscreen/ QNXScreen (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qtk/ QtK (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qtunit/ QtUnit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/qualta/ QualTA - Qualitative Text Analysis@Emacs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/quartz/ Quartz (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/quilt/ patchwork quilt (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/radiusclient/ Java Radius Client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ramemu/ Random Access Machine Emulator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ranfile/ The Random File Selector (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rascal/ Rascal (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/raytance/ raytance (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rbrss/ rbRSS: Ruby RSS Aggregator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rcs-docs/ Revision Control System (RCS) Documentation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rdiff-backup/ rdiff-backup (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rdmp/ Rainfall Data Modelling Portal (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/readies/ Readies - Personal Finance Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/reakt/ reakt (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/real-c-book/ Book: Programming with GNU (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/reality/ Reality (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/realtime/ RealTime (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rebuildrpm/ rpm file rebuilder (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rejavim/ RejaVim (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/relaycheck/ RelayCheck (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rentfree/ RentFree (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/resurrection/ Nuclear Resurrection (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rex/ Rex (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rfid/ RFID C library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rftp/ RealFTP (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/riece/ Riece (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rigobot/ Rigobot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rindolf/ Rindolf (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rip/ Rest In Peace (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rl/ RelativeLayers (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rmc/ RMC - Remove comments programm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/robdb/ Ruby Object Database (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/robokoloniz/ RoboKolonization (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/robotracker/ automatic estimate tracking (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/robovasion/ RoboVasion (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rofang/ Rofang HTTP Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rollerfall/ rollerfall (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/romance/ Romance (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rotateurl/ rotate_url (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rottlog/ Rot[t]Log (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rouge/ Rouge (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rpmsirvur/ rpmsirvur (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rss2mail/ RSS channel to mail (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rssmixtape/ RSS Mix Tape (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rtfce/ Rich Text Format Content Extraction (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rtl/ Random Template Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rtmk/ Real-time Microkernel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rtraceroute/ reverse traceroute (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rubictm/ RubiCTM (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rubrica/ rubrica (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ruby-gst/ Ruby bindings for GStreamer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ruby-radius/ RADIUS Module for Ruby (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ruby-tut/ Learning the Ruby Programming Language (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rubypki/ RubyPKI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rubyserver/ RubyServer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ruffle/ Ruffle - Ruby-base Music Shuffle Player (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rule/ up2date Linux everywhere (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ruli/ Resolver User Layer Interface (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/rweb/ Rweb (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sal/ C++ Search Algorithms Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/salckit/ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/samizdat/ Samizdat (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/samotnik3d/ Samotnik3D (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sancat/ SanCat (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sapdb-ports/ Portable SAP DB (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/satom/ Simple And Tiny Object Model (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sbsdebins/ Step by Step Guide to GNU/Linux Debian Installation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/scew/ Simple C Expat Wrapper (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/schemix/ schemix (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/scidc/ SciDc (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/scieneasy/ Scientific Easyweb (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/scim/ Smart Common Input Method platform (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/scm/ SCM Scheme Implementation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/scr-ipfm/ scr_ipfm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/screenhack/ screenhack (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/screenplay/ Emacs Screenplay Mode (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sda/ Scientific Digital Assistant (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sdcdc/ CD covers generator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sdlobjc/ Objective-C Bindings for SDL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sdlpilot/ SDLPilot an OpenGL xpilot clone (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sdpl/ Simple Disk Partition Layer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sdx/ XML repository / search engine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/search-ccsb/ Search-CCSB (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/secchat/ SecChat - Secure LAN chat tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sectoolkit/ SecurityToolkit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/seekit/ SeekIT (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/senken/ Senken (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ser/ Students\\' Electronic Register (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/set1/ Set/1 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sextan/ Sextan (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sge/ SGE (Strategic Game Engine) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/shaman-x/ Shaman-X: Safety and High Availability MANagement (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sharedrawweb/ Web White board Share Draw (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/shopsuite/ Shop Suite (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/show/ Show for X11 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/SIAcontrol/ SIA-Control (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sim/ Sim (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sim85/ 8085 simulator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/simfm/ SimFM -- a small filemanager using gtk+-2 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/simsky/ SimaSky Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/simtex/ SimTex (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/simulavr/ Simulavr: an AVR simulator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/simulchaord/ Simulation of chaordic processes (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sinhala/ Sinhala for GNU/Linux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sinstall/ Source INSTALLer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sinthea/ SintheA (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sirius/ Sirius (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/siriusd/ Siriusd (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/site-engine/ Web Site Engine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/skencil/ Skencil (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sks/ Synchronizing Key Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/slacktools/ SlackTools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/slagpanic/ SlagPanic (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/slajdszol/ Utility to make cute slideshows (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sleekphoto/ Sleek Photo Gallery (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/slgbd/ SLGBD (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/slideshow/ slideshow (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/SLIGES/ SLIGES (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/slimcms/ SlimCMS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/slpam/ SLPAM (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/slpdb/ Stolen Lives Documentation System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smallpotato/ SmallPotato Debian GNU/Linux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smarc/ SmArc - Emulator of Simplified SPARCv8 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smc/ Swathanthra Malayalam Computing (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smkng-clover/ Smoking Clover (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sml/ Secure Mailing List (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smood/ Smood (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smq/ Simple Message Queuing (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smsdaemon/ SMSDaemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smtpmail/ smtpmail (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smts/ Show Me The Stats (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smurgaborf/ Smurgaborf (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/smyrno/ Smyrno, a Jabber client for Emacs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/snservices/ SorceryNet IRC Services (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sockethl/ High Level Socket Handling Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/socksbot/ Socks-checking IRC-bot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/songanizer/ songanizer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sotai/ Project SOTAI (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/soundcoach/ SoundCoach (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sowas/ SOWAS general-purpose bookkeeping system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/soya3d/ Soya 3D (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/spacebar/ Project SpaceBar (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/spacehulk/ Space Hulk (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/spamass-milt/ SpamAssassin Milter Plugin (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/spatter/ Spatter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/spavil/ Spaceless Village (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/speakcid/ Speakcid (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/spidercatch/ Aspirateur de sites Web (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/spkgtool/ The Scrudgeware (Symbolic-Link) Package Tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/splash/ Splash - Soundfont2 Software Synthesizer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/spleen/ Spleen (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/spm/ Snootix Package Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sprite32/ Sprite32 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sqbf/ Screen quality Bangla font (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/squash/ Squash - Learning Music Player (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/srpc/ Srpc (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/srt/ Score Reading Trainer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ss5/ Socks Server 5 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ssp-pack/ Securized Share Protocol Pack (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sstorm/ SandStorm Component framework (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stalemate/ STALEMATE KBSD Environment (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stamps-sql/ Stamp Collection Management (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stargazer/ Stargazer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/starmpeg/ Starmpeg (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/station-info/ Station Location and Info (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/statnews/ StatNews (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stellio/ Stellio Game Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stlfreedoc/ Free words concerning STL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stonage/ stonage (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stopper/ Stopper (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/storm/ Storm - permanent storage (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stratagus-bos/ Invasion: Battle Of Survival + Humanity (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stratagus/ Stratagus (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/straw/ Straw, desktop news aggregator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/streamtuner/ streamtuner, a stream directory browser (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/struteutils/ struteutils (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/studynux/ studynux : a creator of study cards unde (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stufe/ Some Technical & Useful Functions for Emacs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/stumpwm/ The Stump Window Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/style-guide/ Programmer's Style Guide (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sunlite/ Sunlite for BitchX (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sunterlib/ Scheme Untergrund Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/svas/ Svas (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/svm/ SVM (Statechart Virtual Machine) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/swap/ swap - a command line utility to edit files and directory trees. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/swarm/ Swarm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/swftools/ SWFTools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/swigsharp/ SWIG for C# (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/swinput/ Swinput (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sword/ SWORD 2000 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/swtscore/ SWTScore (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/sygal/ SYGAL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/synaptic/ Synaptic (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/synch/ SIMSYNCH digital design suite (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/syscolorize/ System log Colorize (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/t4/ T4 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/talen/ Talen Vocabulary Trainer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tarbackup/ GNU tar Webmin backup module (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tasklist-org/ Tasklist Groupware (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tcd/ TCD, a CD player with ncurses interface (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tcldrop/ Tcldrop (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ten/ Ten Forensics Toolkit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tenforty/ Practical Tax (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tennacles/ Tennacles (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/terminal/ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tern/ The Extendable Rewriting Notatation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tetradraw/ Tetradraw ANSI ART Editor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tex2star/ TeX2Star (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tgarden/ tGarden - responsive playspace (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/thbookidx/ Book Index Generator for Thai Book (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/therion/ therion (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/thoron/ Thoron (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/thotbook/ ThotBook editor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/thug/ Toronto-area GNU/Hurd Usr Grp. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/thumbs/ Emacs Thumbs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ticketapplet/ Ticket Applet 2 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ticketing/ Ticketing (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tiger/ Tiger UNIX security tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/TilkIRClog/ tilkIRClog (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tina/ Tina (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tini/ TINI Is Not Init (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tinycc/ Tiny C Compiler (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tinyq/ TinyQ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tjais/ TipJar Authenticated Identity Service (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tkdvd/ TkDVD (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tlf/ Tlf ham radio contest logger (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tmacs/ This isn't emacs editor MaCRoS (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tnisd/ The NitroNet IRC Server Daemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/toad/ TOAD - Game tournament assistant (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/toadgui/ TOAD C++ GUI Library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tocts/ Telecom Options Call Tracking System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/todo2html/ todo2html (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tof/ tof (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tom/ Tiny Object Model for XML documents (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tomahawk/ tomahawk (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tong/ TONG! (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/toolbox/ Toolbox (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/toos/ Toos (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/top10/ Top10 Racing Simulation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tops/ Tops Computing Environment (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/torsion/ Torsion Operating System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tpb/ tpb -- ThinkPad Buttons (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tpl/ TPL: TPL Prints Languages (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tramp/ TRAMP (transparent remote file access) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/trinity/ TDT (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/trinitychess/ Trinity Chess suite (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/trolltrap/ Trolltrap (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/trustnet/ TrustPeer, a trusted friends p2p software, in order to build a TrustNet (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tsp/ Transport Sample Protocol (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tubois/ tuBois (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tui-sh/ tui-sh (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tunnel/ Tunnel (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tupper/ Tupper (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/turtle/ The Turtle Autobuilder (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tutka/ Tutka (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tuxread/ TuxReader (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tv/ Trinity-Vision (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/twiki-skins/ Themes and plugins for TWiki (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/twisted/ Twisted (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/tyk/ TYK - a language learning tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/u61/ U61 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/uacm/ User Agent Capability Matrix (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ucg/ Universal Character Generator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/udpeq/ udpeq -- a multilink udp equalizer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/udpkit/ udpkit (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/uisp/ AVR In-System Programmer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ulog-acctd/ ULOG-based network accounting for Linux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/umlbot/ Smart Wizard Automated UML Generator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/umlde/ UML Diagram Editor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/unac/ unac (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/uncc/ uncc C decompiler (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/undernetcs/ UndernetCS Tcl Script for Eggdrop (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/unicluster/ Unicluster-EXEHDA (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/unifs/ Secure, Scalable Unicode Filesystem (UniFS) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/unitheme/ UniTheme (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/unity/ SRC (Unity) - A Next Generation Internet Chat Protocol (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/uno/ UNO Application Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/uri/ uri (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/usata/ The Plains of Usata (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/user-drivers/ Userspace drivers for the GNU system (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/usertools/ UserTools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ut2003area/ UT2003area (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/util-vserver/ util-vserver (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vacas/ vaCAS, an user-friendly GUI to GIAC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vacation/ Vacation Mail Responder (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vampire/ vampire (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vcgdotgnu/ VCG graph visualization for DotGNU Pnet/C (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vcutup/ Voltron's Magick Cutup Machine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vdebate/ Virtual Debate (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vegan/ Project Vegan (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vemail/ Vemail (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/verilator/ verilator - Verilog to SystemC (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vfs/ Virtual File System (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vgabios/ LGPL'd VGABios (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vgplay/ vgplay (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vhdl-posix/ POSIX for VHDL (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/via/ vIA, a modular AI IRC bot (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/viceo/ viceo (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/viewergtkqt/ Qtk to QT translation interface (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vihmauss/ VihmaUss (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/virtualitty/ virtualitty (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/VLLab/ Virtual Life Laboratory (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vm/ virtual 8085/86 machine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vnet/ vNET Project (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vnix/ VNIX (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vpe/ Virtual Private Ethernet (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vpnc/ VPN client for Cisco's EasyVPN equipment (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vpnd/ Virtual Private Network Daemon (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vqwiki/ Very Quick Wiki (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/VRS/ Virtual Remote Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vsound/ vsound (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vsp/ vSp (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vtg/ Volunteers Translation Group (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/vwe/ Generic C++ engine for virtual world (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/waf/ WAF - Waf is A Fundation (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wap/ Watermaze Analysis Program (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wardb/ WarII Database (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/waste/ waste (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wb/ WB B-tree Associative Arrays (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wbmtrustees/ wbmtrustees (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wd-config/ Well-designed configuration library (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wday/ Working Days (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/web-cyradm/ web-cyradm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/webbase/ webbase (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/websec/ Web Secretary (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/webxml/ <WebXML/> (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/weechat/ Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/weewm/ WeeWM - Wee Enhanced Environment (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/welight/ Lighweight Web/Email (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/weps/ Web Package Surfer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/werewolf/ WorldForge's Werewolf: Inevitability (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wesnoth/ Battle for Wesnoth (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wf/ Winds Of Fire (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wfpx/ WebFormPro (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/WHAT/ WHAT Hypertext Authoring Tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wifimap/ wifimap (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wikitexi/ WikiTexi - Collaborative Docs (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wikiup/ Wikiup (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/windstille/ Windstille (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/woo/ world of objects (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/woom/ WOOM Of Object Maker (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/worldracer/ World Racer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/worm/ Web Oriented Resources Management (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ws/ Webstract (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wsat/ www satellite prediction software (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wsmake/ Wsmake (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wsx2lop/ wsx2lop (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ww-tedit/ ww - editor (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wwhd/ WWHD (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wwwauth/ Web Authenticator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wxmozilla/ wxMozilla (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/wxruby/ wxRuby GUI Framework (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/x-ezine/ x-ezine electronic magazine (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/x-mod/ The eMule Xmod (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/x-snmp/ x-snmp (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xadrez/ Xadrez Chess Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xanis/ Xanis (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xbgm/ Xbox Game Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xbobble/ xbobble (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xbubble/ XBubble (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xdc/ Xml Disk Catalog (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xenomai/ xenomai (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xforms/ XForms, a GUI toolkit for X (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xgalaga2/ Xgalaga reborn (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xhtmltools/ XHTML Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xlab/ xlab - X Window Script Record and Replay (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xlang/ X Language (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xlog/ Xlog (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xmakemol/ XMakemol (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xml2ly/ xml2ly - MusicXML to Lilypond converter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xmldiff/ XML Difference Generator (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xmldoom/ The XML Database Object-Oriented Model (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xmlnotes/ XMLNotes (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xmms-lumi/ XMMS-Lumi : Auto-Play of new files (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xmms2/ xmms2 A Gtk2 port of xmms. (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xnprintf/ xnprintf for C/C++ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xoops-mod/ XMDT (XOOPS Module Development Team) (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xortex/ Xortex (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xouvert/ Xouvert (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xpack/ XPack, an XML SGBD in C++ (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xpcomp/ Xpcomp (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xplobot/ XploBot - Explore a new world (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xpt/ Xpt - GUI for Panorama Tools (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xsltxt/ XSLTXT - the XSLT compact form (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xthreads/ Xtreme Threading (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xtogen/ XToGen - Xml To Generated web applications (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xvii/ XVII (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xwem/ XEmacs Window Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/xy/ XY - Graph Drawing Framework (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yace3/ YaCE 3 (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yaf-splash/ yaf-splash (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yaffl/ Yet Another Firewall For GNU/Linux (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yafray/ Yet Another Free RAYtracer (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yainet/ Yainet - Another Irc NETwork (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yala/ Yet Another Liero Attempt (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yaret/ YaRET - Turns CDs into Encoded music, Yummy! (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yatris/ Yatris (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yaxa/ yaxa (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yhs/ MultiSlice RTP Environment (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/yyt/ Yi Yan Tang (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/z80asm/ Z80 assembler (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zbpos/ ZotzBrothers POS Plus (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zebot/ zebot - irc-channel guardian (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/Zebra/ Zebra (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zec/ Z-Shell Empire Client (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zedict/ Z English-Japanese Dictionary (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/ZFirebirdDA/ Zope Firebird Database Adapter (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zfm/ zfm (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zimt/ ZIMT: Zealous Instant Messaging Tool (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zonecheck/ ZoneCheck (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zphpim/ Zaurus PHp Personal Information Management (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zservers/ GNU/ Linux Internet Information Server (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zshscripts/ ZShellScripts (who's in charge, project)
- /non-gnu/zwm/ Zadka's Window Manager (who's in charge, project)
- /orgs/ Global FS Org. Coordination (who's in charge, project)
- /patent-examp/ Software Patents examples (who's in charge, project)
- /people/greve/ Former home page of Georg Greve (who's in charge, project)
- /press/ FSF Press (who's in charge, project)
- /projects/dotgnu-see/ DotGNU Secure Execution (who's in charge, project)
- /projects/dotgnu/ DotGNU (who's in charge, project)
- /projects/gnue/ GNU Enterprise (who's in charge, project)
- /rms-essays/ Collected Essays and Speeches by RMS (who's in charge, project)
- /search/ GNU Search (who's in charge, project)
- /server/translations/ GNU Translation Coordinators (who's in charge, project)
- /software/a2ps/ GNU a2ps (who's in charge, project)
- /software/abdabi/ Abdabi, the GNU Service Discovery System (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ac-archive/ GNU Autoconf Macro Archive (who's in charge, project)
- /software/acct/ GNU Accounting Utils (who's in charge, project)
- /software/acm/ ACM (who's in charge, project)
- /software/adhoc/ adhoc (who's in charge, project)
- /software/adns/ adns - DNS client (resolver) library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/alexandria/ GNU Alexandria (who's in charge, project)
- /software/anubis GNU Anubis (who's in charge, project)
- /software/aspell GNU Aspell (who's in charge, project)
- /software/auctex AUCTeX, an integrated TeX/LaTeX environment (who's in charge, project)
- /software/autoconf/ Autoconf (who's in charge, project)
- /software/autogen/ autogen (who's in charge, project)
- /software/automake/ automake (who's in charge, project)
- /software/awacs/ GNU AWACS (who's in charge, project)
- /software/bash/ The GNU Bourne-Again SHell (who's in charge, project)
- /software/bayonne/ bayonne (who's in charge, project)
- /software/bison/ bison (who's in charge, project)
- /software/calendula/ Calendula: Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ccaudio/ GNU ccAudio (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ccrtp/ GNU ccRTP (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ccscript/ GNU ccScript (who's in charge, project)
- /software/cfengine/ cfengine (who's in charge, project)
- /software/cfs-el GNU cfs-el (who's in charge, project)
- /software/cgicc/ cgicc (who's in charge, project)
- /software/checker/ GNU checker (who's in charge, project)
- /software/chess/ GNU Chess (who's in charge, project)
- /software/chinese/ Chinese Translators Team (who's in charge, project)
- /software/classpath/ classpath (who's in charge, project)
- /software/classpathx/ Classpath Extensions (who's in charge, project)
- /software/cobol/ COBOL For GCC (GNU COBOL) (who's in charge, project)
- /software/commoncpp/ commonc++ (who's in charge, project)
- /software/config/ config (who's in charge, project)
- /software/cons/ cons (who's in charge, project)
- /software/coreutils/ GNU Core Utilities (who's in charge, project)
- /software/cp-tools/ classpath-tools (who's in charge, project)
- /software/cpio/ GNU cpio (who's in charge, project)
- /software/cpp2html/ GNU Cpp2html (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ctut-mb-rwhe/ GNU C Tutorial Book 1 (who's in charge, project)
- /software/cvs-utils/ cvs-utils (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dbmanual DocBook manual (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ddd/ DDD (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dejagnu/ DejaGnu (who's in charge, project)
- /software/denemo/ GNU Denemo, a gtk+ frontend to GNU Lilypond (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dgee/ DotGNU Execution Environment (who's in charge, project)
- /software/diffutils/ GNU DIFF and patch. (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dismal/ dismal spreadsheet for emacs (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dld/ dld (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dnarchitect/ DNArchitect (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dominion/ Dominion world simulation game (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dotgnu-forum/ DotGNU Forum System (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dotgnu-libs/ DotGNU Libraries (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dotgnu-pnet/ DotGNU Portable.NET (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dotgnu-sep/ DotGNU SEE Project (who's in charge, project)
- /software/dr-geo/ Dr. Geo (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ed/ GNU ed (who's in charge, project)
- /software/edma/ GNU EDMA (who's in charge, project)
- /software/electric/ Electric VLSI Design System (who's in charge, project)
- /software/emacs/ emacs (who's in charge, project)
- /software/epsilon epsilon (who's in charge, project)
- /software/fhp/ fhp (who's in charge, project)
- /software/figure/ Figure (who's in charge, project)
- /software/fileutils/ GNU File Utilities (who's in charge, project)
- /software/findutils/ findutils (who's in charge, project)
- /software/fontutils/ GNU Font Utilities (who's in charge, project)
- /software/free/ GNU.FREE (who's in charge, project)
- /software/fribidi/ FriBidi (who's in charge, project)
- /software/fsf-online/ FSF Online Ordering and Membership Site (who's in charge, project)
- /software/fsfs/ Free Software Free Society portuguese (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ftba/ FTB Accounting (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gama/ GNU Gama (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gcc-conf/ GCC Conference Organization and Planning (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gcl/ GNU Common Lisp (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gcompris/ GCompris : I Have Understood (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gcron/ gcron (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gdb/ GDB (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gengetopt/ GNU Gengetopt (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gettext/ gettext (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gfe/ gfe (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gforth/ Gforth (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ggradebook/ GNU gradebook (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ghostscript/ ghostscript (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gift/ (GIFT) GNU Image Finding Tool (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gleem/ gleem (who's in charge, project)
- /software/global/ GNU GLOBAL (who's in charge, project)
- /software/glpk/ GNU Linear Programming Kit (who's in charge, project)
- /software/glue/ GNU GLUE Groupware Project (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gm/ GNU Messenger (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnats/ gnats (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnatsweb/ Gnatsweb (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnome-kinyarwanda/ Gnome Translation Project -- Kinyarwanda (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnome-tamil/ GNOME Translation Project - Tamil (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnu-arch/ GNU arch -- a revision control system (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnu-c-manual/ GNU C Reference Manual (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnu-crypto/ GNU Crypto (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnu-regexp/ Regular Expressions for Java (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnu3dkit/ The GNU 3DKit (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnubg/ gnubg (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnubik/ GNUbik (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnucap/ Gnu Circuit Analysis Package (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnucomm/ The GNU Telecom Subsystem (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnue-sb/ GNU Enterprise : Small Business Edition (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnugo/ GNU Go (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnulib/ gnulib - portability library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnulist/ Quagga (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnumed/ gnumed (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnump3d/ GNU MP3 Streaming Server (who's in charge, project)
- /software/GNUnet/ GNUnet (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnupod/ GNUpod (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnupress/ GNU Press -- Almost Published Documentation (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnuradio/ GNU Radio (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnuspeech/ Articulatory Speech Synthesis (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnustep/ GNUstep (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnutls/ GNUTLS library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnutrueprint/ GNU Trueprint (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gnuts/ GNUTS (who's in charge, project)
- /software/goldwater/ Goldwater Middleware (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gpaint/ GNU Paint (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gpc/ Guile Python Compiler (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gphoto/ GNU Photo (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gprolog/ GNU Prolog (who's in charge, project)
- /software/grep/ grep (who's in charge, project)
- /software/groff/ GNU troff (who's in charge, project)
- /software/grub/ GNU GRUB (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gsasl/ GNU Simple Authentication and Security Layer (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gsl/ GNU Scientific Library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gss GNU Generic Security Service Library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/gtypist/ GNU Typist (who's in charge, project)
- /software/guile-fftw/ FFTW bindings for Guile (who's in charge, project)
- /software/guile-gtk Gtk+ language bindings for Guile (who's in charge, project)
- /software/guile-matrix/ Matrix extension for Guile (who's in charge, project)
- /software/guile/ Guile (who's in charge, project)
- /software/halifax/ GNU HaliFAX (who's in charge, project)
- /software/hegemonie GNU Hégémonie (who's in charge, project)
- /software/hello/ hello (who's in charge, project)
- /software/hurd/ The GNU Hurd Webmasters (who's in charge, project)
- /software/hydrant/ hydrant (who's in charge, project)
- /software/hyperbole/ Hyperbole (who's in charge, project)
- /software/idutils/ idutils (who's in charge, project)
- /software/inetutils/ GNU Internet Utilities (who's in charge, project)
- /software/jacal JACAL symbolic mathematics program (who's in charge, project)
- /software/java/ java website (who's in charge, project)
- /software/java2html/ GNU Java2html (who's in charge, project)
- /software/javadeps/ javadeps (who's in charge, project)
- /software/jwhois/ jwhois (who's in charge, project)
- /software/kawa/ Kawa (who's in charge, project)
- /software/lengualibre/ LenguaLibre (who's in charge, project)
- /software/libc/ GNU C Library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/libcdio Compact Disc Input and Control Library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/libiconv/ libiconv (who's in charge, project)
- /software/libidn GNU Internationalized Domain Names Library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/libmatheval/ libmatheval (who's in charge, project)
- /software/libqglviewer/ libQGLViewer - A 3D OpenGL viewer library based on Qt (who's in charge, project)
- /software/libtool/ GNU Libtool (who's in charge, project)
- /software/lightning/ GNU lightning (who's in charge, project)
- /software/lilypond/ GNU LilyPond Music Typesetter (who's in charge, project)
- /software/m4/ GNU M4 (who's in charge, project)
- /software/m68hc11/ GNU Development Chain for 68HC11/68HC12 (who's in charge, project)
- /software/mailman/ GNU Mailman (who's in charge, project)
- /software/mailutils/ GNU Mail Utilities (who's in charge, project)
- /software/make/ make (who's in charge, project)
- /software/mc/ GNU Midnight Commander (who's in charge, project)
- /software/mdk/ GNU MIX Development Kit (who's in charge, project)
- /software/mifluz/ GNU mifluz (who's in charge, project)
- /software/mit-scheme MIT/GNU Scheme (who's in charge, project)
- /software/mll2html/ GNU mll2html (who's in charge, project)
- /software/monty-python/ FSF E-mail setup (who's in charge, project)
- /software/mug/ Mug's Unlike Gnu (who's in charge, project)
- /software/nano/ GNU nano (who's in charge, project)
- /software/ocrad ocrad - an OCR program (who's in charge, project)
- /software/octal/ GNU Octal (who's in charge, project)
- /software/octave/ GNU Octave (who's in charge, project)
- /software/oleo/ oleo (who's in charge, project)
- /software/osip/ The oSIP library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/padrewp/ WebPublish (who's in charge, project)
- /software/paperclips/ gnu-paperclips (who's in charge, project)
- /software/parted/ GNU Parted (who's in charge, project)
- /software/perljvm/ perljvm (who's in charge, project)
- /software/phpgroupware/ phpGroupWare (who's in charge, project)
- /software/phpgwapi/ phpGroupWare API (who's in charge, project)
- /software/pier/ GNUPIER (who's in charge, project)
- /software/pspp/ pspp (who's in charge, project)
- /software/pth/ GNU Pth (who's in charge, project)
- /software/qexo/ Qexo (who's in charge, project)
- /software/radar/ radar (who's in charge, project)
- /software/radius/ radius (who's in charge, project)
- /software/readline/ The GNU Readline library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/realestate/ realestate (who's in charge, project)
- /software/robots/ robots (who's in charge, project)
- /software/sather/ Sather (who's in charge, project)
- /software/sauce/ sauce - anti-spam SMTP mail filter (who's in charge, project)
- /software/screen/ GNU Screen (who's in charge, project)
- /software/serbiangnome/ Serbian GNOME Translation Project (who's in charge, project)
- /software/serveez/ Serveez (who's in charge, project)
- /software/shellutils/ GNU Shell Utilities (who's in charge, project)
- /software/shishi GNU Shishi - A Kerberos 5 implementation (who's in charge, project)
- /software/shtool/ GNU shtool (who's in charge, project)
- /software/slib SLIB Scheme Library (who's in charge, project)
- /software/smalltalk/ GNU Smalltalk (who's in charge, project)
- /software/softfree/ Software Freedom: An Introduction (who's in charge, project)
- /software/solfege/ GNU Solfege (who's in charge, project)
- /software/spacechart/ GNU SpaceChart (who's in charge, project)
- /software/speex/ Speex (who's in charge, project)
- /software/src-highlite/ source-highlight (who's in charge, project)
- /software/stow/ GNU Stow (who's in charge, project)
- /software/sweater/ sweater (who's in charge, project)
- /software/sysutils/ GNU Sysutils (who's in charge, project)
- /software/tar/ tar (who's in charge, project)
- /software/tasklist/ GNU Help Wanted Items (who's in charge, project)
- /software/tetum/ Tetum Translation Project (who's in charge, project)
- /software/teximpatient/ TeX for the Impatient (who's in charge, project)
- /software/texinfo/ texinfo - GNU documentation system (who's in charge, project)
- /software/texmacs-doc/ GNU TeXmacs documentation (who's in charge, project)
- /software/texmacs/ GNU TeXmacs (who's in charge, project)
- /software/textutils/ GNU Text Utilities (who's in charge, project)
- /software/thales/ GNU Thales (who's in charge, project)
- /software/toutdoux/ ToutDoux (who's in charge, project)
- /software/unrtf/ unrtf (who's in charge, project)
- /software/url/ URL (who's in charge, project)
- /software/userv/ userv - security boundary tool (who's in charge, project)
- /software/vcdimager/ GNU VCDImager (who's in charge, project)
- /software/vmgen/ Vmgen (who's in charge, project)
- /software/w3/ w3 (who's in charge, project)
- /software/wcpp-book/ Web Client Programming in Perl (who's in charge, project)
- /software/which/ GNU which (who's in charge, project)
- /software/windowmaker/ Window Maker (who's in charge, project)
- /software/xboard/ XBoard (who's in charge, project)
- /software/xlogmaster/ The Xlogmaster (who's in charge, project)
- /software/xnee/ Xnee (who's in charge, project)
- /spanish/ GNU Spanish Translation Team (who's in charge, project)
- /usenet/ GNU Usenet (who's in charge, project)
- /wwwes/ project (who's in charge, project)
- /wwwfr/ FSF France (who's in charge, project)
- /wwwhurdes/ web HURD-ES (who's in charge, project)
- /wwwin/ webmastering (who's in charge, project)
- /wwwro Romanian translations pages (who's in charge, project)
- libsigsegv/ libsigsegv (who's in charge, project)
- power-utils/ Power Management utilities (who's in charge, project)
- targnum/ TarGNUm - GNU Hebrew translation team (who's in charge, project)
- tradutoresbr/ Portuguese Brasilian Translation Team (who's in charge, project)
- wwwcat/ GNU-ca, Catalan translation team (who's in charge, project)
- wwwsr/ Serbian Translation Project (who's in charge, project)