

Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace


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 · Collection
 · FileSystem
 · Financial
 · Interaction
 · Strings

There are 5 incomplete classes in this namespace

In total we are missing :

  0 constructors, 33 methods, 0 fields, 3 properties, and 0 events.


Status :
Method Summary
System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator()should have attributes `public ', but has `public final virtual ' instead
Property Summary
System.Int32 Count should have attributes `public specialname ', but has `public final virtual specialname ' instead
System.Object Item should have attributes `public hidebysig specialname ', but has `public specialname ' instead
System.Object Item should have attributes `public hidebysig specialname ', but has `public specialname ' instead



Status :
Method Summary
static System.Void FileGet(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.ValueType& Value, System.Int64 RecordNumber)TODO
static System.Void FileGet(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Array& Value, System.Int64 RecordNumber, System.Boolean ArrayIsDynamic, System.Boolean StringIsFixedLength)TODO
static System.Void FileGet(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.String& Value, System.Int64 RecordNumber, System.Boolean StringIsFixedLength)TODO
static System.Void FileGetObject(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Object& Value, System.Int64 RecordNumber)TODO
static System.Void FilePut(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.ValueType Value, System.Int64 RecordNumber)TODO
static System.Void FilePut(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Array Value, System.Int64 RecordNumber, System.Boolean ArrayIsDynamic, System.Boolean StringIsFixedLength)TODO
static System.Void FilePutObject(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Object Value, System.Int64 RecordNumber)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Object& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Boolean& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Byte& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Int16& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Int32& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Int64& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Char& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Single& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Double& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Decimal& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.String& Value)TODO
static System.Void Input(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.DateTime& Value)TODO
static System.String InputString(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Int32 CharCount)TODO
static System.Void Kill(System.String PathName)TODO
static System.String LineInput(System.Int32 FileNumber)TODO
static System.Void Print(System.Int32 FileNumber, System.Object[] Output)should have attributes `public static ', but has `public static hidebysig ' instead



Status :
Method Summary
static System.Double IRR(System.Double[]& ValueArray, System.Double Guess)TODO
static System.Double MIRR(System.Double[]& ValueArray, System.Double FinanceRate, System.Double ReinvestRate)TODO
static System.Double NPV(System.Double Rate, System.Double[]& ValueArray)TODO



Status :
Method Summary
static System.String Partition(System.Int64 Number, System.Int64 Start, System.Int64 Stop, System.Int64 Interval)TODO



Status :
Method Summary
static System.String[] Filter(System.Object[] Source, System.String Match, System.Boolean Include, Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompareMethod Compare)OptionCompareAttribute is Extra
static System.String[] Filter(System.String[] Source, System.String Match, System.Boolean Include, Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompareMethod Compare)OptionCompareAttribute is Extra
static System.String Format(System.Object Expression, System.String Style)TODO
static System.String Replace(System.String Expression, System.String Find, System.String Replacement, System.Int32 Start, System.Int32 Count, Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompareMethod Compare)TODO
static System.String[] Split(System.String Expression, System.String Delimiter, System.Int32 Limit, Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompareMethod Compare)TODO



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Last Updated on 18-9-2004

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