Specialist in Distributed Data Analysis. Posted October 15, 2004.

The Earth System Science Department of the University of California at Irvine seeks a full-time specialist to implement and oversee innovative techniques in distributed data analysis and reduction. This position is the lead software engineer in a three year NSF-funded research project at the intersection of computational and Earth System Science. As lead programmer, you will apply "grid-aware" distributed memory, shared memory, and client-server software technologies to efficiently analyze internationally distributed tera-scale datasets from global climate change predictions that reside on the Earth System Grid. The Open Source tools that you develop and extend will help scientists predict Earth's future. Partners in this research include the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and the San Diego Supercomputing Center.

Required: Strong skills in C/C++ development (CVS, Make) in UNIX/Linux environments.

Desired: Familiarity with analysis of large geophysical data sets and UNIX supercomputers. Experience maintaining or contributing to Open Source projects. Knowledge of data storage standards (netCDF, HDF), parallel programming techniques and message passing (OpenMP, MPI), and web site design.

Consideration of applications begins December 1, 2004 and continues until the position is filled. Rank and salary are based on qualifications and University-wide scales. Benefits package included. Send PDF-format statement of career objectives, CV, and contact info. for three references to: Professor Charlie Zender (zender@uci. edu), Earth System Science Dept., University of California, Irvine, CA, 92697-3100, USA.

All application materials must be in PDF format to be considered. Competitive applicants will be asked to complete a skills assessment. Project URL: http://nco.sf.net#prp_sei

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