[image of a Brave GNU World]
《勇敢 GNU 世界》 - 〈第四十九期〉
Copyright © 2003 Georg C. F. Greve <greve@gnu.org>
中文翻譯:劉 昭宏 <chliu@gnu.org>
許可聲明 如下

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Welcome to another issue of the Brave GNU World. I would like to apologize for the non-appearance last month, unfortunately there was trouble between the German Linux-Magazin and the Brave GNU World after they had cut out a part of issue #48 [5] ("Free Software Laptops").

歡迎來到又一期的《勇敢 GNU 世界》。〔在此〕為了上個月的消失向各位致歉,很不幸地因為德文的 Linux-Magazin 將〈第四十八期〉的一部份 [5] ( Free Software Laptops )刪去之後,和《勇敢 GNU 世界》發生了一些問題。【譯註:為求優譯,中英文並陳將持續到發表之後約一個月;在此期間,請不吝於提供對於本文翻譯的意見。】

This led to some not-so-good feelings and to the non-written issue of last month, but after intensive discussions, this should be history and don't happen again.


Skidbladnir (創造性問題解決理論的工具箱)

The first feature for this month is the Skidbladnir [6] project, the name of which might be equally mysterious as its description to some people. The author, Lars Brand, describes it as a "toolbox with information and programs for Computer Aided Innovation."

這個月的第一篇報導( feature )是 Skidbladnir [6] 計畫〈這個名稱對某些人而言,可能和它的描述一樣神秘〉。它的作者 -- Lars Brand ,將它描述為一個“針對電腦輔助創新( Computer Aided Innovation )〔的目的〕,具有資訊以及程式的工具箱( toolbox )。

The background for this will probably be unknown, but of interest to most readers and since Lars made an effort to supply it, it should not be withheld.

〔之所以有〕這個〔描述的〕背景將很有可能不被瞭解,但是為了〔滿足〕大部份讀者的興趣〈同時也由於 Lars 作了一點努力來提供〉,它應該〔還是〕不要藏起來〔吊大家的胃口〕才是。

The scientific background of Skidbladnir is known as "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving;" in English abbreviated as TIPS, in German and Russian known as TRIZ. The theory has its origins in 1946 with Prof. Altschuller, who at the time was a patent engineer for the army.

Skidbladnir 的科學背景是知名的“創造性問題解決理論”( Theory of Inventive Problem Solving );在英文中是縮寫為 TIPS ,而在德文和俄文中則是 TRIZ 。這理論是一九四六年 Altschuller 所創始的,他那時候是個軍隊的專利工程師。

When Prof. Altschuller sent a letter to Stalin, informing him about the beginnings of his theory, he immediately got imprisoned and sent to a camp for suspicious subjects. During his imprisonment he met numerous professors from different scientific areas, who helped him combining knowledge of many different disciplines.

當 Altschuller 教授送了封信給史達林,告訴他有關於他的理論的開始後,隨即被囚禁起來並且送到了一個〔關〕可疑國民( suspicious subjects )的集中營。他在囚禁期間內遇到了許多來自不同科學背景的教授 -- 他們幫助他將很多不同學門( disciplines )的知識加以結合〔而成為一個完整的體系〕。

Released from the camp and again having become one of the undesirables around the end of the 60s until the mid 70s, he began publishing his results as SciFi novels in order to raise funds for his scientific work — see G. S. Altow: "Der Hafen der steinernen Stürme" ("Harbor of stony storms"). (Comment: I was unable to find out how the book is called in English or whether it has been translated into English, at all. Help appreciated.)

〔最後終於〕從集中營發行出來,但〈六○年代晚期一直到七○年代中期〉〔卻〕再一次成了不受注目的理論( undesirables ),他開始將他的結果以科幻小說的形式加以出版,以募集他的科學工作所需要的資金 -- 請見 G. S. Altow :《 Der Hafen der steinernen Stürme 》(無情風暴的避風港; Harbor of stony storms )。 【原註:我沒辦法找到這書的英文名稱,也不知道它到底有沒有翻譯為英文。〔歡迎並〕感謝〔這方面的〕幫忙。】

The TIPS theory is based upon the principle that independent of scientific discipline or industrial area, abstracted problems and their solutions usually repeat themselves. When analyzing about 40.000 extraordinarily successful patents, it was found that all of these were based on roughly 40 different solution principles only.

TIPS 理論是奠基於這項原則( principle ):抽象化的問題以及它們的解決方式通常會重複它們本身,而與〔哪一個〕科學學門或工業領域無關。在分析了大約四萬件非常成功的專利後發現:所有這些〔全部〕僅僅基於四十種不同的〔問題〕解決原則〔而已〕。

Another basic principle of this theory is, that the evolution of technical systems is following certain tendencies and that essential innovation often requires an influx of scientific results from another area.

另外一個這個理論的基本原則就是:技術系統( technical systems )的進展,跟隨著特定的趨勢( tendencies ),並且必要的創新( essential innovation )經常需要來自於另一個領域的科學結果的導入。

What this means is an abstraction of problem-solving strategies; an often used example is: "A massive steel cube of 1m edge length is to be moved into a deep cavity without using cranes, ropes or similar tools. It also must not be thrown. Develop 3 appropriate solutions within 10 minutes."

這所指出的,是一個〔可以用來作為〕「問題解決策略」( problem-solving strategies )的抽象體( abstraction );一個經常被使用的例子是:一個邊緣一公尺長的又大又重的鋼管要被移到一個深洞中,並且不能使用起重機、繩索或〔其它〕相似的工具。同時也絕不能用轉的( thrown )。在十分鐘之內發展出二種適當的解決方式。

The most well-known project to solve this and other problems with software is probably the TechOptimizer, which — like all the other applications in this field — is proprietary and very expensive.

使用軟體來解決這個以及其它問題的最為知名的計畫大概就是 TechOptimizer 了,如同這個領域所有其它的應用〔程式〕,它〔也〕是私權的〔軟體〕,並且價格十分高昂。

Skidbladnir now seeks to provide this functionality as Free Software. Besides the installation components, the project consists of andax, which contains the basic principle to resolve technical contradictions, sporadikus for web-brainstorming and perplexus, in which over 250 effects are available.

Skidbladnir 現在尋求著以自由軟體的形式來提供這個功能( functionality )。除了元件( components )的安裝之外,這計畫還包含有 andax -- 它提供有可以解決「技術矛盾」( technical contradictions )以及針對「網路靈感」( web-brainstorming )和「複雜難題」( perplexus )的「偶發事件」( sporadikus )的基本原則,超過二百五十個「作用」( effects )可以取得。

The project itself isn't complete and also not very comfortable to use yet. Also the effect database is not as large as Lars would like it to be — especially the networking of effects, which allows for very efficient combinations, should be expanded.

這計畫本身還沒有完成,並且在操作上也不十分舒服。同時“作用”資料庫也不像 Lars 所希望的那樣大 -- 特別是應該要擴充〔以允許非常有效率的結合的〕“作用”的「網路化」【指的是 TIPS 的分析網路化,而不是網際網路】。

The following provides a very simple example for this: 1. luminescent material converts UV light into visible light; 2. fine ground/spread metal inhibits luminescence; 3. before a moving part of an engine fails, small bits of metal are released into its oil. Combining these three facts easily leads to the idea that adding luminescent material to oil will allow determining when certain parts of machinery need to be replaced before they fail, because the luminescence in the oil will stop.

下面提供〔關於〕這個的一個非常簡單的例子:一、發光材料將紫外線轉換成可見光;二、細微的基礎/延展金屬會抑制發光性;三、在引擎的一個動作部份( moving part )失效前,金屬的細小斷片會被釋放到油之中。結合這三項事實〔可以〕輕易地導出「加入發光材料到油中將可以允許〔我們〕確定〈在失效之前的〉什麼時候,機器的特定部份需要被更換」的想法,因為油的發光性將會停止。

Real situations are often much more complex and require a large database of effects, that has to be assembled from technical literature, which is a tedious and work-intensive task.


Skidbladnir was written in Perl, PHP and MySQL and it is published under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Compared to proprietary projects, Skidbladnir may have comparably few effects, but it already contains software effects; possibly as the first of its kind.

Skidbladnir 是以 Perl 、 PHP 和 MySQL 所寫成的,並且在 GNU General Public License (GPL) 下加以發行。與私權的計畫相比, Skidbladnir 也許是〔只〕有少量的“作用”,但是它已經有了「軟體作用」了;很有可能是它這類〔計畫〕中的首例。

Help is very welcome in any form; especially developers and users who give feedback are needed. Also more data about effects and access to real-life problems would be appreciated.


In the mid- to long-term, Lars is convinced that Free Software will be extaordinarily succesful in this area, as both TIPS and Free Software are based upon the idea of preserving knowledge and making it accessible.

就中長期來看, Lars 深信自由軟體將會在這個領域取得很大的成功,因為「 TIPS 」和「自由軟體」兩者都是「奠基於於保存知識並且使它可以〔廣泛〕取得」的概念的。

Making these insights and methods available to all people seems like a very important project not much unlike an encyclopedia, worthy of support.

「讓這些洞察力( insights )以及方法( methods )〔得以〕為所有人取得」看起來似乎是個非常重要的計畫〈有點像是百科全書〉,〔相當〕值得支持。

As a side-effect it also reduces the market-entry barrier in this area, since many potential users cannot afford using the proprietary solutions, so it could help revitalizing the technical area.

隨之而來的是【 side-effect 一般譯為「副作用」,但此處並無不良的意涵,故採用其它譯法】:它也降低了這個領域的市場進入門檻( market-entry barrier ),因為許多潛在的使用者支付不起使用私權的解決方案,所以它可能可以幫忙再次地使這一個技術領域充滿活力。

Anyone interested and people from this area are encouraged to take a look. More information about the background are also available on the web. [7]

〔非常〕鼓勵任何有興趣以及來自於這個領域的人看一看〔這計畫〕。關於這個背景的更多資訊也可以在網上取得。 [7]

Lush (一個高速、完整的整合式科學應用程式語言)

The second project of this issue is also more scientifically oriented, albeit not limited to it. Lush [8] is an object-oriented programming language intended mainly for scientists, experimentors and engineers in need of larger numerical and graphical applications.

本期的第二個計畫也是比較科學導向的,但並不僅限於此。 Lush [8] 是一個物件導向( object-oriented )的程式設計語言,主要針對的對象是需要較大的數值以及圖形應用的科學家、實驗人員以及工程師。

The design of Lush seeks to combine the strengths of three different approaches of programming languages into one. In fact Lush is turning three programming languages into one. The first is an interpreted, dynamic LISP-like language with automatic garbage collection and weak typing. The second language is a compiled, lexical language using the same syntax, but strong typing. And the third language is C, which can be mixed with the Lush syntax within a program or even a single function.

Lush 的設計〔理念〕是將三種不同〔類型〕的程式語言的強處結合為一。事實上, Lush 〔的作法〕是將三種程式語言轉化為一個。〔其中〕第一個是解釋型的( interpreted )動態「類 LISP 」語言,具有自動垃圾回收( garbage collection )〔機制〕以及弱〔資料〕型別( weak typing );第二個是一個編譯型的( compiled )字彙( lexical )語言,使用的是相同的語法,不過是強〔資料〕型別( strong typing );第三個則是 C 語言,它可以在程式內部,或甚至單一個函數內,與 Lush 混合〔著使用〕。

Lush was developed since 1987; originally under the name "SN" as a script language for simulation of neural networks and has — over time — developed into a complete programming language with compiler. Main actors in this development were Bell Labs (later "AT&T Labs"), in Holmdel, NJ, USA, Neuristique S.A. in Paris, France and NEC Labs in Princeton, NJ, USA.

Lush 自一九八七年開始開發;剛開始時是名稱為“SN”的一種腳本語言( script language )並且隨著時間的推演,成了一個具有編譯器( compiler )的完整的程式設計語言。主要的開發參與者有在美國紐約州 Holmdel 的 Bell 實驗室( Bell Labs )(稍後則是“AT&T 實驗室”)、法國巴黎的 Neuristique S.A. 以及美國紐澤西州普林斯頓的 NEC 實驗室。

After Lush/SN has been used for years within AT&T for their internal research and development projects, the parties involved eventually agreed upon the GNU General Public License (GPL) and relicensed Lush as Free Software.

Lush/SN 經過幾年時間在 AT&T 裡面作為內部研究以及開發計畫的使用之後,有關的團體最終決定在 GNU General Public License (GPL) 下將 Lush 發行為自由軟體。

Today the project is maintained by Yann LeCun — who answered the questions of the Brave GNU World — and Leon Bottou of the "NEC Labs America" in Princeton, who receive support by a large number of volunteers from all over the world, for e.g. Fu Jie Hang, Patrice Simard, Patrick Haffner, Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Vincent, Jean Bourrelly, Xavier Drancourt or Secil Ugurel, to name some. More volunteers are always welcome.

計畫現在是由回答《勇敢 GNU 世界》問題的 Yann LeCun 以及 Leon Bottou 所維護,兩人都是來自位於普林斯頓的美國 NEC 實驗室“NEC Labs America”,並且收到了來自世界各地的很大數量的志願者的支援,例如在此列出的一部份人名: Fu Jie Hang 、 Patrice Simard 、 Patrick Haffner 、 Yoshua Bengio 、 Pascal Vincent 、 Jean Bourrelly 、 Xavier Drancourt 和 Secil Ugurel 。並且總是十分歡迎更多的志願者加入。

Although primarily developed as a Free Software Matlab-replacement for scientists, researchers and students, Lush offers a complete all-purpose language. Thanks to the easy integration with C, Lush is a good choice for scripting or integration in order to assemble distributed functionality in a comfortable GUI application.

雖然主要是作為針對科學家、研究人員以及學生的 Matlab 自由軟體替代品而開發, Lush 提供了一個完整的全方位( all-purpose )語言。由於 Lush 與 C 語言之間可以簡單地加以整合( integration )的特性,因此成了一個〈針對在一個 GUI 應用〔程式中〕,「組合起分散式的功能」( to assemble distributed functionality )而言〉「撰寫腳本」或「進行整合」的好選擇。

This integration also makes integrating existing libraries quite easy, which is why Lush has bindings to numerous scientific, graphical and audiovisual libraries, like the GNU Scientific Library (GSL; see issue #35 [9]), OpenGL/GLU/GLUT, ALSA, Video4Linux or the Intel Vision Library.

這種整合機制同時也使得「整合現有的程式庫」變得異常簡單〈這就是為什麼 Lush 已經與許多的科學、圖形和視聽程式庫繫結( bindings )起來的緣故〉,像是 GNU 科學程式庫( GNU Scientific Library , GSL ;請見第三十五期 [9] )、 OpenGL/GLU/GLUT 、 ALSA 、 Video4Linux 以及 Intel Vision 程式庫。

When comparing the levels of support for the GSL between Python and Lush, Lush looks pretty good with about 4000 supported functions opposed to the few hundred supported by Python at the moment. The syntax is cleaner than Perl and should be easier to learn than Scheme. And when comparing speed with Octave or Matlab, it is between 15 and 300 times faster, depending on the situation.

當與 Python 比較到對於 GSL 的支援層級時, Lush 看起來還不錯:有大約四千個支援的函數,而 Python 此時則是支援了幾百個。語法比 Perl 還清晰,應該也比 Scheme 好學。當與 Octave 和 Matlab 比較到速度時,根據不同的狀況,它快了十五到三百倍。

These advantages seem to make Lush an interesting choice and definitely worth a glance. Lush has even been used for games already, like a simple moon-lander the screenshot of which can be found on the Lush home page.

這些優點似乎讓 Lush 成了一個有趣的選擇,絕對值得花點時間看一下。 Lush 甚至也已經使用在遊戲〔的開發〕上了,像是可以在 Lush 首頁找到的一個簡單的月球登陸( moon-lander )的螢幕快照( screenshot )。

Lush was written in C and it traditionally runs on GNU/Linux, Solaris, Irix and OpenBSD, although since February 2003 a Cygwin Windows port is available.

Lush 是以 C 語言撰寫,傳統上是在 GNU/Linux 、 Solaris 、 Irix 和 OpenBSD 上執行。不過自二○○三年二月開始,一個 Cygwin Windows 的移殖版( port )已經可以取得了。

One of the problems of the project is that the compiler design is more than 10 years old and therefore has some strange and rigid limitations. Rewriting the compiler is therefore on the ToDo list.

這計畫的一個問題是:編譯器的設計已經超過十年了,因此有一些奇怪而難以逾越的限制( rigid limitations )。因此重寫編譯器就成了應做列表( ToDo list )的一個項目了。

Also on the list are adding support for more libraries, as well as improving the documentation system. Adding a template mechanism to Lush is also planned in for the mid-term.

在列表中的還有「增加更多程式庫的支援」以及「改進文件系統( documentation system )」。增加一個範本機制( template mechanism )到 Lush 中也已經排定為中程目標了。

Additionally, there is a lot of interest in a Mac OS-X port, for which volunteers are sought. An automated parser for C/C++ header files for automagical inclusion in Lush would also be a quite useful project.

另外, Mac OS X 移殖版引起了極大的興趣,因此在找這方面的志願者。〔完成〕一個 C/C++ 標頭檔( header files )的自動剖析器( parser ),以使〔我們〕可以在 Lush 中做到自動內含( automatical inclusion )也會是個非常有用的計畫。

Should you live in the United States, you run a good chance of already haven gotten in indirect contact with Lush. Some ATMs by NCR use Lush-generated code on embedded DSP processors to automatically read the amounts on deposited checks. And a high-speed check reading engine written in Lush ready about 10% of all checks deposited in the USA.

如果您住在美國,那麼您就已經有了一個好機會與 Lush 有著非正式的接觸。一些 NCR 的自動櫃員機( ATMs )在其內嵌的( embedded ) DSP 處理器使用由 Lush 製作的代碼,以自動地讀取存款支票中的金額。還有一個高速的支票讀取引擎( check reading engine )讀取存在美國的所有支票中的大約百分之十。

jMax (專業音效應用程式)

As regular readers of the Brave GNU World should know, the Free Software Foundation Europe is partner in the AGNULA project, [10] which aims at putting together an entirely Free Software GNU/Linux distribution for professional audio users.

《勇敢 GNU 世界》的老讀者應該知道歐洲自由軟體基金會是 AGNULA 計畫的〔合作〕夥伴 [10] ,這計畫的目標在:為專業音響/音效( audio )使用者建構起一個完完全全自由軟體的 GNU/Linux 散佈件。

Another partner of the AGNULA project is the "Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique" (IRCAM) — the center of music of the Centre Pompidou in Paris, France. One of the applications written by IRCAM is jMax, [11] a graphical development environment for interactive multimedia applications.

AGNULA 計畫的另一個夥伴是“Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique”( IRCAM ) -- 在法國巴黎的 Centre Pompidou 音樂中心。由 IRCAM 所撰寫的其中一個應用〔程式〕是 jMax [11] ,那是一個針對互動式多媒體應用程式的圖形化開發環境。

Audio applications traditionally had the problem that they were often written for specific hardware and therefore very platform dependent. Because of the rapid development in hardware, programs had to be rewritten every three years for a new platform, otherwise the music written for these programs was in danger of getting lost.

音效應用程式傳統上所面臨的問題是:它們通常是為了特定的硬體而撰寫的,因此具有很高的平台相依性( platform dependent )。由於硬體的快速發展,程式〔因此〕必須每三年〔就〕為了一個新平台而重寫,否則在這些程式上所寫的音樂會有消失的危險。

This motivated the development of a pure software solution that would not be dependant on a specific platform.


The paradigm employed also in jMax allows creating combining certain basic elements like frequency generators, signal filters, effects, input- and output-modules, sliders, DSPs, amplifiers with each other and assembling them to so-called "patches."

這在 jMax 中也同樣採用的典型( paradigm )允許了創造出互相組合有某些基本元件〈像是:頻率產生器( frequency generators )、信號過濾器( signal filters )、效果( effects )、輸出入模組、滑動桿( sliders )、 DSPs 以及增幅器( amplifiers )〉並且將它們組裝成所謂的“增補件”( patches )。

這些增補件整合了它們〔內部〕的組成〔元件〕,並且可以〔互相〕組合成沒有上限的複雜構造( constructs ),這使得它一般而言,能夠實作出任何類型或型式的數位信號處理( digital signal processing )、效果或〔音效〕合成器( synthesizer )。

One implementation of this paradigm that is rather well-known among musicians is the proprietary "Max." In 1995 jMax started out with the intention of creating a platform independent version of Max. In mid-1999 it was then released as Free Software under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

採用這個典型的一個在音樂家之中較為有名的實作品是私權的“Max”。在一九九五年, jMax 以創造出一個 Max 的平台獨立版本為目標開始了,並且於一九九九年中,在 GNU General Public License (GPL) 下發行為自由軟體。

The IRCAM jMax team working on the project consists mainly of François Déchelle and Patrice Tisserand. François, who also filled out the Brave GNU World standard questions, sees the main advantages of jMax mainly in its platform independence — it runs on GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows — and the higher flexibility when compared with other implementations of the paradigm, such as Max or PD.

致力於這計畫的 IRCAM jMax 小組主要包括有 François Déchelle 和 Patrice Tisserand 。填來了《勇敢 GNU 世界》標準問題的 François 認為 jMax 的主要優勢在於它的平台獨立性〈它可以在 GNU/Linux 、 Mac OS X 和 Windows 上執行〉,以及與使用相同典型的實作品〈如: Max 或 PD 〉相比時較高的彈性( flexibility )。

One of the key advantages is also that jMax consists of two components. The central component is a server, a real-time engine written in C, which does all the work. This allows running the engine with GUI, writing alternative GUIs or integrating the engine into a plugin environment (LADSPA).

另一個關鍵的優勢是 jMax 包括了兩個組成元件。中心元件是一個做了全部工作的伺服器〈是個以 C 語言寫成的即時引擎( real-time engine )〉。這允許了以 GUI 來執行這引擎、撰寫可替代的 GUIs 或是整合這引擎到一個 plugin (插接)的環境( LADSPA )。

Normally, this server is controlled via a client written in Java. Java was chosen to make sure that the client would run on as many platforms as possible with the minimum amount of problems. Unfortunately the situation of Java is not unproblematic wrt to Free Software.

- is not unproblematic wrt to Free Software.
+ is not unproblematic ??? to Free Software.

正常來說,這個伺服器是經由以 Java 撰寫的客戶端( client )所控制的。選擇 Java 〔的原因〕是〔為了〕確定客戶端可以在最少問題的狀況下,在儘可能多的平台上執行。不幸的是 Java 的情況對其〔作為〕自由軟體〔的性質〕而言並不是毫無問題的。

Java 相關性(自由軟體使用 Java 的問題)

The problem of Java is not its technical specifications or implementation; although some people have different opinions about them, they are not the cause of the problem for Free Software.

Java 的問題不是它的技術規格( technical specifications )或實作;雖然一些人對它們有不同的意見,但它們並不是對自由軟體造成問題的原因。

Cause of the problems is how Java itself is developed and distributed, since there are essentially only two wide-spread implementations, both of which are proprietary: one is maintained by Sun, the other by IBM. Although these may be distributed without licensing cost, they do not offer the freedoms necessary to make them Free Software.

問題的產生是在於 Java 它本身是如何開發並且散佈的,因為實際上只有兩種廣泛傳播的實作品,而這兩者都是私權的:一個是由 Sun 維護,另一個則是 IBM 。雖然都可以在不用授權費用( licensing cost )的情況下散佈,但是它們並沒有提供必需的自由以使得它們成為自由軟體。

In consequence every application running on these platforms — even software that is under a Free Software license — is putting the freedom of the user at risk. A situation not unlike Free Software running on Windows.

結果造成每個在這些平台上執行的應用〔程式〕〈即使是在自由軟體許可證下發行的〉將它們的自由置於危險的境地。這情況和在 Windows 上執行自由軟體並無不同。

There are some approaches and initiatives, to implement Java entirely in Free Software (see "GNU and the Java language" [12]). But since the dominant reference implementations are proprietary, the free projects always need to reimplement what their current version has come out with.

有一些〔解決〕途徑和創始〔計畫〕要將 Java 完全實作為自由軟體(參見“GNU and the Java language” [12] )。但是由於佔有主導地位的參考實作品是私權的,自由的計畫總是需要隨著它們版本的發行而重新實作。

Not every developer likes participating in such a biased race that cannot be won. Free Software is put at a disadvantage and therefore offers a smaller degree of functionality.


When developers of Java applications make use of the more advanced features of proprietary Java implementations, these can usually not be run on Free Software Java implementations anymore and in consequence are dependent on the proprietary platforms. A situation not at all unlike Free Software only running on Windows that cannot be used on any Free Software operating system.

當 Java 應用〔程式〕的開發者利用了私權 Java 實作品較為進階的特徵功能時,這些〔程式〕通常就從此不能再在自由軟體的實作品上執行了,結果就是:〔它們變得〕與私權的平台相依了。這情況就如同自由軟體只能在 Windows 上執行,但卻不能在任何自由軟體作業系統上使用一樣。

This is precisely the problem of the jMax client. And since adding proprietary software into AGNULA is out of question for all partners, AGNULA may not be capable of including jMax with a fully functional GUI.

這正是 jMax 客戶端的問題〔所在〕。同時由於加入私權軟體對所有的夥伴來說都是不予考慮的問題,〔因此〕 AGNULA 可能沒有辦法具有完整功能 GUI 地包括 jMax 。

pyMax (以 Python 實作客戶端)

After all the alternatives did not seem very promising to resolve the problem in time — more information is available on the FSF Europe home page [13] — it was now decided to do with Java entirely and reimplement the client in Python.

- home page [13] — it was now decided to do with Java entirely and
+ home page [13] — it was now decided to do nothing with Java entirely and

在所有的實作品看起來似乎都不是很有在時程內解決問題的希望後〈可以在 FSF 歐洲取得更多資訊 [13] 〉,現在決定了要完全地與 Java 脫離關係,並且重新以 Python 實作客戶端。

The choice for Python was influenced by its platform independence, which is comparable to Java, and the fact that it allows rapid development while (naturally) being entirely Free Software.

選擇 Python 是由於它的平台獨立性〈足以和 Java 匹敵〉,以及它允許快速開發的事實,同時(天生)就是完全的自由軟體。

It is not clear whether IRCAM will be capable of finishing that client in time, though. Therefore they are looking for volunteers that can help them writing the Python-client for jMax.

然而,並不清楚 IRCAM 是否將能夠即時地完成那個客戶端。因此他們正在尋找可以幫助他們為 jMax 撰寫 Python-客戶端 的自願者。

According to François, IRCAM cannot make large promises, but they offer to provide priority support to people working on the Python client and guarantee a response time of 24hrs during working days. So if you are interested in this, you could take a look at the jMax developers mailing list. [14]

根據 François , IRCAM 無法作出大的承諾,但是他們對致力於 Python-客戶端 的人提供優先的支援,並且保證在工作天期間內可以有二十四小時以內的回覆時間。如果您對此有興趣,可以看一下 jMax 開發者的郵寄清單。 [14]


That's enough Brave GNU World for this month. Should you come across an interesting project, please let me know. Often it was the readers of the column that have discovered the jems — the Lush feature for instance was triggered by a tip by Stefan Kamphausen, the author of the Brave GNU World logo.

這個月的《勇敢 GNU 世界》已經足夠了。如果您遇見了一個有趣的計畫,請〔通知〕讓我知道。經常是這個專欄的讀者發現了這樣的計畫( jems ) -- 舉例來說: Lush 這一篇報導是由 Stefan Kamphausen 這另一位《勇敢 GNU 世界》標識( logo )〔的作者〕所提出的建議而起了頭的。

As usual, I of course also ask for general comments, questions, ideas and comments to the usual address. [1]

一如往常,我當然也請求〔大家〕以郵件送來一般的意見、問題、想法和意見到通常的〔電子郵件〕地址。 [1]

[1] 請將想法、意見和問題送到 《勇敢 GNU 世界》 <column@brave-gnu-world.org>
[2] GNU 計畫的首頁 http://www.gnu.org/home.zh.html
[3] 喬格的《勇敢 GNU 世界》首頁 http://brave-gnu-world.org/
[4] 「 GNU 藝廊」原創 http://www.gnu.org/brave-gnu-world/rungnu/rungnu.zh.html
[5] 《勇敢 GNU 世界》 - 〈第四十八期〉 http://brave-gnu-world.org/issue-48.zh.html
[6] Skidbladnir 首頁 http://mitglied.lycos.de/altow/
[7] TRIZ 線上(德文) http://www.triz-online.de/
[8] Lush 首頁 http://lush.sf.net/
[9] 《勇敢 GNU 世界》 - 〈第三十五期〉 http://brave-gnu-world.org/issue-35.en.html
[10] AGNULA 首頁 http://www.agnula.org/
[11] jMax 首頁 http://www.ircam.fr/jmax/
[12] GNU and Java 首頁 http://www.gnu.org/software/java/
[13] AGNULA Java 議題 http://fsfeurope.org/projects/agnula/java.html
[14] jMax 開發者郵寄清單 http://listes.ircam.fr/wws/info/jmax/

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Copyright (C) 2003 Georg C. F. Greve
中文翻譯:劉 昭宏

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Last modified: Fri May 2 11:51:34 CEST 2003