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Thank GNUs, 2005

 [image of the Head of a GNU]

If your donation isn't listed properly, isn't listed at all, or is listed when you wanted to be anonymous, please write to us and we'll correct the problem. Write to

Please note that Corporate Patrons are listed on the Corporate Patronage area of our website. We are working on setting up a page on our Associate Membership site to acknowledge gifts given via that program.

2005 Supporters

Patrons ($5000 or more)

(Your name here?)

Sustaining Contributors ($1000 to $4999)

Richard D. Bronson
Botheration Systems
Irene & Richard Van Slyke
Michael and Amy Tiemann

Contributors ($500 to $999)

Andy Tai
Bradley Kuhn
Eric Ludlam at The Mathworks, Inc.
Jason R. Beecher
Jeff Marshall at Mail-Archive, Inc.
John Mullaney at the Nord Family Foundation
Jorge Cortell
Marc Tardif
Menno Jonkers
United Way of Southeastern Connecticut
William D. Arnold
WorldReach, Inc

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